What are some good free no credit card sex buddy sites?

What are some good free no credit card sex buddy sites?

First off, im using my friends account. Second, I wanna sign up for a sex buddy site. One that is free and no credit card or will make you pay money for anything. Person with the best answer gets 10 points, and a huge thank you!

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always visit this site where you can find all the solutions. INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO


BANKRUPTCY -Keeping a TWO-FAMILY home after bankruptcy?

My parents have a two family home that is their primary residence. They live in one unit and rent out the other. This rent is the only source of income for the two senior citizens. Would they be allowed to keep this home if they did a bankruptcy in NY State? BTW, they owe a lot of money on the home so it has almost no equity."

Auto loan with bad credit?

What are my chances of getting a car loan with bad credit? I'm 22 and this is incredibly embarassing but i've got $8,000-10,000 from hospital bills. I've been at my job for a year but i really need to get a better car. I'd like to take a higher paying job but its 20 miles farther and i need a reliable vehicle. i can put about $1,300 down right away. I'm basically willing to pay whatever high interest rate in order to get a loan. Any suggestions? Will it help my chances of getting one if i'm currently taking part in credit counseling? Anyone know of any companies i can apply with?"

What can happen when filing bankruptcy and owning a house?

I own a house with my parents all 3 on the mortgage, they live there and they pay the mortgage. I have unsecured credit card debt(ex-boyfriend is responsible but I can take no legal action against him because his name is only on one of the cards) and want to file Chapter 7. These cc's have not been paid on since Nov 05, I have not had the 1000+ to file. How can my parents be affected in all of this? We are in NV"

What is the fastest and best way to build credit when you have none?

I don't know anyone with good credit. My parents declared bankruptcy due to my mom's medical bills. (She needs a liver transplant)

Is there a truly free credit check web site?

They all ask for a credit card and say its free for a trial then you have to continue and pay or cancel. I found one about a year ago that worked but now i cant, any help?"

"Where can i get a 10,000 to 15,000 personal loan by today??i have bad credit?

i need to find a place that has instant approval rates not one that reviews my application and gives me answers tomorrow i need it today!!

Is Sammydress.com a reliable and safe website?

https://sammydress.com/ i've heard both positive and negative reviews on this website. i wanna buy some of the bags, but i'm not sure if they're real. some of their items sell for under $10, while some are over $200! is this a scam?"

Is there a report that shows all assets in a bankruptcy hearing? If so how do you get a copy of this report?

Is there a report that shows all assets in a bankruptcy hearing? If so how do you get a copy of this report?

Chapter 7 but no foreclosure yet?

I filed bankruptcy Chapter 7 two years ago with my home to be taken. We moved out and have been living else where but the lender hasn't started any actions (such as foreclosure) against me. I am eligible for a VA home loan two years after Chapter 7 bankruptcy but just talked to a lender who said I can't purchase a home until 3 years after the foreclosed property is sold. What if the company never forecloses?? I am so confused?

How to become a mortgage broker?

I'm interested in becoming a mortgage broker. I heard someone talk about making a lot of money doing so, and I read that you only need to take a 20 hour course and an exam to be licensed. I have a high school diploma and from what I understand no farther is really required. If I were to do the required training and exam online, is this something I apply for with the bank like a typical job? Is this all I would need and how exactly would I get started? Thanks for any help."

"Hi im an indian working in dubai, can i get home loan in india?"

hi im working in dubai my salary is 60000 rupees , can i get a home loan in india, im an indian , what will be the amount eligible , what should be my minimum serving period in the current company. im 23yrs old. i have 4 years work experience. im in the current company for past 6 months"

Filing for bankruptcy in california (do i have to show up in court?)?

if i file for bankruptcy in california... do i have to show up to court or can my attorney just appear for me? what are the chances that my credit card lender will appear in court to contest a 15,000 credit debt?"

I just turned 18 and need to build my credit..?

i tried getting my phone bill put in my name, but they said i was only approved for a flex pay account b/c i had no credit thankss."


I have a huge student loan, huge bank loan, 3 huge phone bills , cable, internet and another bank loan (some i got for my friends in my name). Now that i just go divorced i tryed to pay the debt back but cant. I need to go bankrupt and want to start fresh. * How do i get bankruptcy? * Does it stay on my credit record FOREVER ? I know that it goes away after 6 or 7 years but i do not know if after those 6 to 7 years is still someway of someone knowing about it!?!?!?! * And how long and how much does it take to get banckrupcy!? * Any other ideas coments, experiences or words of wisdom would be helpful~ Thank you!"

Should I reaffirm my auto loan?

I just filed BK, the loan company haven't gotten my payment still, until now, past my due date. It is automatic pay by the way. They send me the packet to reaffirm my auto loan. But I just wanna retain and pay. What should I do?"

Where can I get a FREE credit report?

Where can I get a FREE credit report?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"I need help!! im in debt really bad, but no-one will help me what do i do?"

I have gotten my self into 2000 worth of debt i have th debt collectors after me,but no-one can help me. I lost my baby last month and i cant get over it, now all my bills have pilled up! Im trying to got myself together but i need to get outta debt first can anyone help?"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Sbi credit card on irctc?

I tried to book a ticket on irctc.co.in with my brand new sbi credit card, but it seems there isn't an option to pay using a sbi card. There are options to pay using a ICICI card axis card and other cards, but not for sbi card."

Where to get credit score?

What site do you use and trust?? Thanks :)

OSAP HELP: How much Loan Will I get And For WHAT? HELP NEEDED ASAP?

hi, I am a grade 12 student, and i planning to go to waterloo university for either chemical or geological engineering. Osap is one thing I have never understood. I am actually planning to stay at residency in waterloo since it's like more than 40KM from my home.. Now, my parents are considered in the poor range, and they have a salary of approximetly 15000 $ each contributing to a total 30000$ income per year. The program I want to go in requires 5 years of study with 2 terms. Total study period in each year is from sept - april. Can someone tell me how much Loan I can get from OSAP? And One more thing, does OSAP fully cover residency cost? If not, how much will I have to pay? I actually went to this OSAP estimatior website and did all the thing it wanted it me to do. At the end, it gave me these numbers: Estimated Expected Costs For Your Study Period : $23,743 Estimated OSAP Funding For Your Study Period : $15,947 Estimated Total Student Loans:$12,240 Estimated Ontario Student Opportunity Grant: SUBTRACT: $4"

Is a credit score of 9002 good? (from experian)?

I went to experian and recieved a free credit score, the number they gave me was 9002. Im only 18, so does this mean i have no credit? Or that somehow i have really great credit?"

I have a wells fargo auto loan and I signed up for the secondary insurance. Anyone know the name and number?

I have a wells fargo auto loan and I signed up for the secondary insurance. Anyone know the name and number?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

What are some good free no credit card sex buddy sites?

First off, im using my friends account. Second, I wanna sign up for a sex buddy site. One that is free and no credit card or will make you pay money for anything. Person with the best answer gets 10 points, and a huge thank you!

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always visit this site where you can find all the solutions. INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO

Is crlreport.com a legit website for credit reports?

I am interested in renting a home and the the landlord asked me to submit a credit report on crlreport.com. Does anyone know if this a legit website? I don't want to fill out a credit report on this website if it is not legit. Has anyone ever heard of this site or used it before?

Best and fast payday loan site?

Best and fast payday loan site?

IS a 698 credit score okay?

To that affect, purchase an affordable home? or rent an apartment for a year/2 salary should range from 40-80 a year depending on commission"

How can I get good motorcycle financing with bad credit?

I had perfect credit up to a year ago, when personal issues required me to file bankruptcy. That was in January of 2007. The bankruptcy has now been discharged. Anyways, I am looking at a Yamaha YZF-R6S. I have more then enough to pay for insurance and the monthly payments, but there is no way that I will be able to get financed by the dealer. Can anybody tell me any places that I can go that may work with my credit score of 579? Also, if anybody else has any other bikes 600cc and up that they would recommend, I would appreciate it. Thanks!"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Can I be arrested for not paying a payday loan? Is it a federal felony in Arizona?

I just received a phone call from someone at a legal office"" who said that they were were investigating my case and if I dont agree to pay the loan today that they will file legal papers and the federal system will be at my door in 48 hours to put me behind the system. I told him I was unemployed and could not give what I dont have and so he asked ""well who are you gonna call to bail you out?"" I told him no one I guess"

In the state of AZ should I file for bankruptcy before or after an eviction judgement to include that debt?

I have received a notice of eviction for 2/28 and am planning to file for bankruptcy. To include the debt due for the eviction, should I file the bankruptcy papers before or after the judgement with the eviction?"

What does declaring bankruptcy do? Does that mean I don't have to pay back credit card bills anymore?

Please tell me advantages and disadvantages of declaring bankruptcy.

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Is there a Cash loan place in columbus,oh I can use without a bank account other than advance america?"

I dont have a bank account but i need a payday cash loan,where can i go?I used advance america already now i need more money."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?


I'm not angry at all. I just need help

How do they verify a check at a check cashing place?

I have a personal check from my father that needs to be cashed for the purchase of a vehicle....now I know my dad's check isn't going to bounce, but just curious how do they verify a check right on the stop like that? I want to just simply get the cash versus going through my bank, and any suggestions? I know they charge fees, and so on, not concerned about it."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Did you stay best friends after high school?

My best friends and I are going separate ways for college. When I say best friends, I mean...inseparable, like a family. We believe we will be great friends for many years to come, perhaps forever. Am I being naive? I'm incredibly optimistic. Tell me your stories."

"How to start Housong loan DSA, Personal loan DSA? Whom to approach? Initial investments? Requirements?"

How to start Housong loan DSA, Personal loan DSA? Whom to approach? Initial investments? Requirements?"

"My credit score is 578, I want to raise it... a few questions.. HELP!?"

Sadly, it takes FOREVER to get bad things removed from credit reports, and I learned this the hard way. I have a repo, a few charge-offs, etc. I was accepted for a car loan last year and have been paying it on time, and have a couple other small accounts that I'm paying on time, and this has made my score go up a little. I owe about 6-8 thousand dollars to different random places. (I was stupid in college and paid tuition on credit cards and couldnt afford to be living the way I did.) I only have about 200-300 a month I can put toward past debt, and I just don't know where to start or even how to get in touch with the places I owe money to. Do I pay off my repo first, my old credit card first, a little to each place, etc? Also, I had bad advice a few years ago and closed some credit card accounts after I paid them off instead of keeping them open, and this looks bad too. Is there a way to get this off my credit report? It also said that the fact that I don't have an open major credit card is hurting my score too. Should I try to get one and just cut it up? Is it even possible to get a major credit card with a low score like 578? And if so, how do I do it? I have so many questions. I have been misinformed many times... help me please. I know employers look at credit scores, and I don't want mine affecting potential jobs in a negative way. Its so embarrasing. Thanks..."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Where can i find a loan shark NJ,NY area?"

I quickly need about $150-$200! I filed for income tax so I should be getting my lump some in two more weeks, so the money paying back is obviously secure. However, I'm really short on a few bucks and I need atleast $200. I asked everyone I know and everyone is broke or laid off. I don't wanna go to a bank, so that's outta the question, I just need a loan shark to lend me atleast $200 and I'll promptly pay him back as soon as I get my check."

Verification process for auto loan?

I am a first time buyer with a credit score of 550, 631 and 640. I have alot of student loan debt, but recently applied for a car loan. The dealer told me that every other lenders need me to have a co-signer. I dont want a co-signer, I am working on my credit history. They asked me for my apartment address and phone number. What are they going to do? verify my address information? dont I need to give them permission to check that first? are they going to inquire about my payment history or just verify that my lease is in my name? Why is it so hard for me to get approved? Is my score really that bad? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Whats the best Timeshare company to work for in Las Vegas NV. Whats it like being a greeter for T.S. pros cons?

What are the pros and cons of working as a greeter for a timeshare Company. They told me 14 weeks of paid training ?? The first 2 weeks @ $ 10 an Hr. then to $12 hr for the rest 12 weeks ?? Then after the 14 weeks on Comm only basis . Is it worth it .....WHATS THE PROS AND CONS of this job . lame or good ?? Please tell me.

"Can I get a home loan for $350,000 for a $300,000 house and use the extra $50,000 to buy a car?"

I am not very experienced when it comes to loans and that sort of stuff but I'm trying to do research to educate myself, so the question is I want a new car as mine is causing troubles. A car loan is always a liability and I don't want my car loan to throw possible lenders off in the near future when I buy a house, so the question is, am I able to buy a house and get extra finance on the same loan to pay for a new car ? Thanks"

Interest question! math help?

E-Loan, an online lending service, recently offered 60-month auto loans at 5.4% compounded monthly to applicants with good credit ratings. Determine the total interest you will pay if you take out a loan with monthly payments of $469. (Do not round until the final answer. Then, round to the nearest cent.)"

"I filed bankruptcy, where can I find out when its discharged?

I want to know where I can find out where my discharge papers are. How do I find out whe the case administrator is? Its been 7 weeks and I absolutely have to have these papers. Is there a way to get them?

What are some good free no credit card sex buddy sites?

First off, im using my friends account. Second, I wanna sign up for a sex buddy site. One that is free and no credit card or will make you pay money for anything. Person with the best answer gets 10 points, and a huge thank you!

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always visit this site where you can find all the solutions. INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO


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