What smaller retailers can learn from Nike’s $11B checkout flow

What smaller retailers can learn from Nike’s $11B checkout flow

Here's what we learned taking apart Nike’s $11,000,000,000 checkout flow.

At a glance: 9 reasons Nike's checkout flow is so good

  1. Visual add to cart - A beautifully designed cart preview that includes a drop down bag and dark background
  2. Incentives to create an account - Free delivery if shoppers create an account while checking out
  3. Simple cross selling - A small selection of products you may be interested in shown at the first stage of the checkout?
  4. Clear error messages - Shoppers clearly know their address or card details are wrong?
  5. Checkout flow shown - Customers can see the steps they need to take to complete the purchase
  6. Product info always on screen - A clear pic of the product and its key attributes?
  7. Estimated delivery - As soon as you add your address, an estimated delivery is given with dates
  8. One page sale - Buttons to move to the next step open a hidden drop down on the same page?
  9. Autofill billing - Saving the customer time so they don’t have to re-write the same information

The one thing every customer does

Whether they spend £10 or £10,000, every customer will go through your checkout flow. That’s why it’s vitally important to get it right.?

One of the best ways to get it right is to analyse other high converting checkout flows. Nike’s checkout flow generated over $11B of revenue in 2022.?

Its user interface includes some clever elements to reduce friction and unknowns during the sale.?

1. Crystal clear confirmation

Did that get added to my cart correctly??

Nike uses a drop down cart to make sure the customer knows their product has been added successfully.?

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Nike's simple and efficient add-to-cart drop down.

While this is something many shops do, 耐克 draws the shopper’s attention to the drop down by briefly turning the background dark.

This allows shoppers to subconsciously acknowledge that that item has been successfully added to their cart.

2. A simple cart with subtle cross-sell

By landing on this page, your shopper has shown clear intent to buy. Your job is to make sure they don’t have a reason to leave.?

Nike clearly shows the items in the basket and makes it easy to eliminate or edit the products right there in the moment.?

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A basket that's easy to modify right there and then.

The brand incentivises shoppers to sign in or sign up by offering free delivery, but the page also allows customers to checkout as a guest.?

The basket also includes some subtle cross selling that’s not overly distracting or could lead you away from the checkout.

3. All in one checkout page

Nike’s checkout page has so many good things going on.?

First, the customer can clearly see what’s in their bag with a product photo and all the relevant details (A).

Clear error messages and explanations show a customer what they need to complete before moving to the next step (B).

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Almost the entire checkout flow is completed on this one page.

Customers have the option of typing their address and quickly finding it or entering it manually (C), which saves time and just makes the whole thing more straightforward.?

The customer can always see what stage of the flow they’re at and what they'll have to complete next (D).?

As soon as a customer adds their address, an estimated delivery is given with exact dates, rather than the standard 2-3 days shipping.?

4. Payment

One you click save and continue, the delivery section closes and the payment section opens - with everything happening on the same page.?

This one page checkout gives the customer peace of mind. They’re already familiar with the information displayed on the page, and won’t feel the need to revise the items in their basket or jump back a page to revise delivery details.

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No logos of credit card companies? Interesting move!

By allowing the customer to use the same billing information as shipping information, Nike reduces the number of steps the customer needs to take before the purchase.

Payment is straightforward and as well as credit, debit and paypal, Nike offers Klarna , a buy now pay later option.?

Interestingly, and against the advice of many ecommerce experts, Nike doesn’t display the logos of credit card companies (feel free to add your theories below).?

After entering their card details, customers are given one last chance to review their order. The message on the button clearly states the customer will be able to review the order before hitting the buy button. Imagine the confusion if this button simply said the word ‘next’.?

Make it easier for customers to find your products

Before your customers reach the checkout flow, they need to be able to find the products they’re looking for.?

That’s where Motive Commerce Search comes in - a no code ecommerce search that’s proven to help any sized shop sell more.?

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