What about small partices of ARSINIC in your nutrition. Will you accept that as well?
Prof Guy Van Elsacker DrSc - Biomed Expert
External Consultant at ECDC - European Union
Please find an article send to me by Dr. Janet Sand one of my followers. I first tought in wasn't true, but some small investigation brought me to the point that it can be after all. Will we at the end finally react to the devastating degration of our nutrition or stay for ever on the point of
"WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT" Please I beg you in the name of your loved ones react NOW!
After Salmonella cases, glyphosate in baby food and now arsinic in our nutrition what do we need more to react to the those who allow this to happen? *
Prof. Guy Van Elsacker Dr.Sc. - Biomed Expert Research Epigenetics & Nutraceuticals European Institute Molecular Hydrogen Research (EIMHT) Ostrava - Czech Republic
Article Dr. Janet Sand
You'd could never guess that our nutrition starts to contains dangerously high levels of ARSINIC the most deadly poisons known to man. A poison so lethal that it only takes an amount the size of a pea to kill you. And only micrograms to disturb every bodily function.
This deadly toxin is astonishingly versatile — able to cause damage even at low doses. It's easily absorbed in the stomach and intestines and from there it can spread out and damage your entire body including your skin, lungs, liver, kidneys and more. Because this deadly poison has no color or odor, it's almost impossible to detect. Worse, it harms you slowly and insidiously. You get sicker and sicker without raising the typical doctor's suspicions. By the time you or your doctor realizes you've been poisoned it's too late!
This poison is so hard to detect, it was used throughout history to kill off unsuspecting spouses and wealthy relatives. It has been implicated in the death of kings and queens. And best-selling novelist, Agatha Christie, calls it her murder weapon of choice.
Languages: Czech - English - Russsian
Please become one of my suporters in what's probably my last project in health. A project, not for business or big advantages but in order to help people to come to a better quality of life, even in some cases save their life.
My name is Guy. I'm a scientist, a kind of "nutty professor" which get more and more the fancy knickname the " Urban Sjaman". In Internet I have over 100.000 connections with more than 23.000 followers of my scientific information boards (www.pinterest.com) In the Prague vincinity I have 8000 connections, from which some of them could be interesting for you.
That's the why I invite you to a special activity Saturday September 07 - 10 AM
We will walk and talk in the gardens of the University of Life Science in Suchdol (Prague) I labelled this activity "Educational Walk & Talk" No costs - No hidden catches. You can leave your purse at home. Just bring a drink a small snack and a pen + paper to take notes.
Business Cards can be useful as well.
Be welcome and feel free to bring eventually some others with you. I hope to see you in Suchdol
Thank you
Take care and have a nice day. For my administration I will be pleased that: ..........if you have the intention to come along: that you drop me a line at: [email protected]
Prof. Guy Van Elsacker Dr.Sc. Biomed expert Research Epigenetics and Nutraceuticals European Institutue Molecular Hydrogen EIMHT - Ostrava - Czech Republic