What is... Sleep? - Edition 2023-2
I realize that I'm a few months behind here... I've been a little busy.
First - welcome to the hundred-or-so new subscribers! It is so great to have you here. If you have topic suggestions for future editions, please let me know.
Personal Update
Owen Joseph joined our family on January 19, bringing with him many sleepless nights and an immense amount of joy. He was born with a cleft lip and palate (which we knew about.) All of my worries melted away the minute he was born. He immediately had (and still has) no issues eating, gaining weight, etc. We have an incredible surgeon at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Owen's first surgery will be in the middle of July, followed by another about six months later. If you want to learn more about our journey with Owen, check out www.owenssmile.com.
General Thoughts
I've spent the last few days in NYC at the annual LegalWeek conference. While I've attended plenty of conferences, this was my first LW. Over 7000 people attended, with the underlying theme leaning (very) heavily toward AI. While not a new concept, the buzz around ChatGPT has forced AI and machine learning into the boardroom. I took a lap around the exhibit hall to see how vendors position themselves around this topic. Here's my gut on it.
AI - Do Your Research
Disclaimer: I'm not that smart. I don't have an advanced degree (in anything), let alone computer science. But - my years of working in emergency services have given me a strong BS-O-METER. There is a major difference between installing an API that interfaces with Open AI and creating something proprietary. The marketing at the conference indicates a mixed bag. You also need to consider the company behind the tech (more than usual.) What security measures do they have in place? Can they explain their technology? Be skeptical of anyone pushing AI until they earn your trust.
Party Like It's 2019
Events were back, baby! It felt really good to be 'back to normal.' From the looks of things, I wasn't the only one to feel that way. Given the hybrid nature of work today, it can be difficult to drag clients away from their desks during a regular week. LegalWeek is that opportunity to meet face to face, guilt-free. Meeting folks internally and externally whom I've only interacted with on Zoom was a real pleasure. I hope that this trend continues.