What Single Men With No Children Aren't
Independently wealthy. It feels like every day is planning for college, weddings and Bar Mitzvahs with children around. If I had children, in lieu of sending them to day care, I would enroll them in Community College.
As long as the credits are there after they graduate high school- it is less expensive to attend a state school. Men don't do through menopause so I can father a child as long as I find a woman of child bearing age.
That takes the fun out of dating and meeting someone new. Anyone who is thinking about having a child: add nineteen to your current age. If you won't mind sitting at a high school graduation at that time; have another child.
Al Pacino will be one hundred two at high school graduation. Is it selfish not having children? No. Not in the least. There will be less garbage. The number of diapers a baby needs- before Costco was around- probably before Price Club- my sister required a large box of diapers.
Every last one was put to use. I'm not certain I can father children. Relationships are brief and the topic of childbirth rarely comes up. After my hip was broken I had X-rays.
The doctor said the radiation in that area might cause me not to be able to have children. At that time I was hoping to walk again. I was a couple years from intercourse.
One of the biggest improvements in my life came when I dealt with good couples. If I met them both together they liked me. If I met the man first the woman was jealous. If I met the woman first- you haven't seen insecure until dealing with married men.
At work I dealt with couples. One of my great unwritten articles is a tribute to the couples at The Phoenician. There were about seven. They usually worked in different departments. It was nice seeing people in love working together.
Not that I tried cultivating my own relationship. It has to come from within. First you feel it with a partner. Then others see it. Is this where patronizing married women say "You'll find someone"?
Magic wand aside, you don't have to have children. Women who don't want children are treated as incomplete. Anyone who says "You should have children" is simply running their mouth. They are not going to help with a midnight feeding, change diapers or make the drive to Urgent Care late at night.
The friends I have made usually make me feel like a car service or money lender. Maybe starting a family of my own is redundant. There are no moochers in my present. I like doing favors and some take advantage of that fact.
It's okay for children to take up energy. A father on this site mentioned watching the children should not be called "Babysitting." Are you going to raid your own refrigerator?
I may or not be able to have children. There are no candidates putting that to the test. A fruitful and worthwhile life can be lived without marrying or having children. I am only lonely around other people so there are times when you're better off alone.