What is significant about 8784?

What is significant about 8784?

What about 8760, does that mean anything to you? 8784 is your 2020 opening balance; at 00:00 on New Year’s Day, we had 8784 hours ahead of us to make it all happen. Usually we have 8760 hours in a year, but thanks to it being a leap year we are gifted with an extra 24. Depending on when you are reading this, at least 6% of that time has been spent. So how are you going to make sure you maximise 2020?

As leaders we are strong at looking at the strategic imperatives for the business. Turning strategy into operational tactics. Taking a long-term view and then transforming that into annual and quarterly objectives. Measuring performance through KPI’s and ensuring that teams come together to achieve these goals. 

But have you had a careful look at your personal imperatives? The critical areas you need to address in order to ensure that your health is optimal, your personal relationships are thriving, your skills as a leader are developing? We are sometimes so busy being busy that we don’t step back and CHOOSE how to spend our time.

It is never too late. January is the perfect time to take stock of where you are now and where you want to be this time next year. So, what are you planning to do with your hours this year? Have you set your goals? Based on SMART goals why don't you :-

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1.   Be Specific. If you are looking for career growth what does that look like? Do you need different experience? Do you need to study further? Do you need a mentor this year?

2.   Measure what success looks like. How will you know when you have achieved your goal? Is it a promotion? Is it an increase? Can it be an activity that you will do on a daily basis to improve your skills? You need to be able to measure your progress.

3.   Is it achievable? Do you believe that you will achieve your objective, do other people think it is possible? What do you need to do to move from where you are now to where you want to be? Are there actions that you can take to achieve your goal? Do you have the means and the resources to do this?

4.   Is your goal relevant? Does it make sense to you and fit in with your other goals, why do you want to achieve this specific goal and not others? Is it compatible with your other goals?

5. Is your goal timely? Are there deadlines? If you have a set-back, will you be able to recover? Will you able to achieve it by this time next year?

And don’t forget your gift! An extra 24 hours this year to fit it all in


