What should we BAN?
Charles J. L. Brooks, PhD (h/c) Doctor of Commerce - The Citadel
Bond Servant - Our Lord Jesus Christ - Catholic/Christian Apologist - Receptient of The Order of The Palmetto - Oct. 23, 2024
Question asked of Google: How many people are killed in the USA as a result of vehicles? Did you mean:?how many people are killed?annually by?automobiles?
Google Search Results: Featured snippet from the web:
Approximately?1.35 million?people are killed in CAR ACCIDENTS each year. That means, on average, fatal crashes cause approximately 3,700 deaths per day. (CDC) An additional 20-50 million people are injured or disabled. Apr 4, 2022
My question is: Should we ban the use of vehicles. In the hands of incompetent drivers... we are killing 3700 people each day. Should we do more extensive background checks on automobile purchasers; or discontinue the manufacturing of automobiles?
Listed below are some startling statistics to consider:
5. In 2020, there were 45,855 deaths by SUICIDE, in the USA. Data are based on 99% of all 2020 death records received and processed by the National Center for Health Statistics as of May 19, 2021.? Who do we blame for this horrendous statistic?
6. EXCESSIVE ALCOHOL use was responsible for more than 140,000 deaths in the United States each year during 2015–2019, or more than 380 deaths per day. These estimates are from the CDC’s?Alcohol-Related Disease Impact (ARDI) application. Should we BAN the distilling of alcohol?
7. Additionally, there have been 1,543 people EXECUTED in the U.S. since 1973, and twenty-two since 2020. A total of 22 states, plus Washington D.C, have abolished the death penalty, and three states have a governor-imposed moratorium.
Correspondingly, 274 people killed resulting from 'mass shootings' in the last 15 years. What can we take away from these comparisons?
We have a portion of our society that are classified as being a 'sick society,' those, seemingly, are hellbent on destroying anyone, for any reason, or for no reason. They have no self-respect, much less, respect for others. It's all about what makes them 'feel good'... not for the greater good of society as a whole. It seems to me, that when you analyze the "killer" in these various massacres; they left plenty of evidence of their intentions (heads up), which have been left unattended, or ignored, by those who had access to that information; including family members, close friends, medical personnel, school officials, and law enforcement. We cannot, and should not, punish all of society for the sins of a few. Granted, there should be 'tighter control' on the issuance of firearms; just as there should be on the sale of alcohol, the issuance of driver's license, medical licenses, pilots license, and boat captains.
How do the lives of all of these thousands of people stack up against the 274 people killed by mass shootings? What is the difference? Every life is precious... no matter the cause of death. Anyone who takes the life of another, on purpose, has a mental issue. We caretakers of society NEED to focus on the proper upbringing of our children; their proper education; and the treatment for all forms of mental illness.
As of June 30, 1950, there were?577,000 patients?or 3.8 per 1,000 population resident in all hospitals for the prolonged care of the mentally ill in the United States. Today, it is estimated that some 50 million Americans suffer from a serious form of mental illness, and of those, 65% go without treatment. So, some 20% of our population have serious mental issues, and most of them go untreated.
Think for a moment... how much of the COVID billions ($$$$) have gone unaccounted, all of which could have been used to address the mental health issues in America. Congress has wasted billion upon billions. One big improvement we, as Citizen Taxpayers, and VOTERS, have at our disposal is our VOTE. We might consider 'voting out' any member of Congress who has served more than two terms. We NEED fresh blood, new ideas, integrity, and commitment to their CONSTITUENCY, rather than one's-self.
Too much ME, and not enough of US.
cjlb... 5/30/22....Blessings