What Should Our Response Be?
Michele A Cole
Blogger, Ministry Leader, Prepper - preparing people! Hospitality, Prayer Warrior, Author awaiting publishing
What Should Our Response Be?
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18 NIV
Has there been a time in your life that you or someone you know needed consistent ongoing prayer? Maybe a prolonged sickness? A marital crisis or pending divorce? A financial crisis? A wayward child? Perhaps someone in addiction? Maybe a family member in the military who is on the front lines? Someone on the mission field? Your pastor and his family? My point is, everyone has need of prayer...and sometimes that need is for a very long time.
I want to ask you a question and I would value your honest answer and opinion as to why you answered the way you did. When I ask the question, it may seem very obvious what the answer should be......but again, if you really look deep inside of yourself, see if your answer could be more than one or even all of them?
Here's the question: If someone asks you for prayer, what should your response be?
A. Tell them, they need only ask you once because the answer has already been given.
B. Ignore them or avoid any response.
C. Tell them they are too needy and to quit asking for prayer.
D. Unfriend, unfollow, block or remove them from your life.
E. Tell them you will pray for them and then don't.
F. Pray for them (every time they ask)
Years ago in one of our bible study groups, a person who had been coming for over a year, finally decided to leave the group. There was no explanation, just didn't come back. I reached out to them and asked if they would share why they left, just so we could be sure things ended on good terms. This person told me that they were tired of praying for the same people and same requests. I was stunned. I was confused as to why a Christian would say that. I didn't have any response to that (at that time) except to bless them.
Not too long ago, a new friend had prayed for me. After they prayed, they said, now you don't need to ask me again because it's done. You just have to believe the finished work of the cross. And that person has not prayed for me since (at least that I know of).
Just recently, I was told that I ask for prayer too much and I'm bugging people by asking. Ouch!!
These comments led me down a dark ugly road. Guilt, shame, condemnation, fear and more. I started to isolate and beat myself up wondering if I was just a pain in the ??? (you fill in the blank) to you and to all those who I have asked for prayer from. I felt like I was a burden and began to wonder what's the point? I began to doubt God's love for me. Oppression came over me like a ton of bricks. I was hurt, grieved, depressed and feeling hopeless. But God!!
I have to admit I am not thrilled about needing prayer as much as I have in this season. My health has been a battle for a very long time as well as other circumstances I/we face. I can't begin to understand why the healing hasn't come, when 1000's of people have prayed for me; when God promises healing in His Word; when I've done all I know how to do. Asking for prayer has not come easy for me. If you've known me for any length of time, you would know that I never would ask for prayer years ago. I didn't feel worthy enough. And yet in this past season, God has wanted me to be transparent in my need. It's embarrassing, humiliating & humbling to say the least and it has opened the door to many blessings - but also to unimaginable attacks by fellow Christians. Believe me when I say, if you're tired of praying for me (or someone else) imagine how tired they must be for still wanting prayer for their circumstances. Put yourself in their shoes and see if your opinion changes?
SO, this blog isn't about me, really... but using myself as an example. The real question is what should our response be when someone you know or yourself finds need of ongoing prayer? I refer back to the Scripture above - Ephesians 6:18 “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.â€
Here's an excerpt from Rick Renner on praying...
The word “always†is taken from the Greek phrase en panti kairo. The word en would be better translated at. The word panti means each and every. You could say that this word panti is an all-encompassing word that embraces everything, including the smallest and most minute of details. The last word in this Greek phrase is the word kairo, the Greek word for times or seasons. When all three of these words are used together in one phrase (en panti kairo) as in Ephesians 6:18, they could be more accurately translated at each and every occasion.
Ephesians 6:18 conveys this idea: “Pray anytime there’s an opportunity — no matter where you are or what you’re doing. Use every occasion, every season, every possible moment to pray….â€
I also want to highlight one other point in that Scripture... it says pray in the Spirit. I have found myself praying more in the Spirit and asking for that when I ask for prayer. Why? First -simply because I know then, we are praying God's will. Second, have you ever asked for prayer for something specific and you find out the person who prays is actually praying "against" what you asked? That is counterproductive!!!! So, praying in the Spirit covers it all!!
Another response.....We are to respond in Love - Matthew 22:36-40 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?†37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.†Loving You Lord helps us to love others well. Praying for others shows your love for God and love for them!
Years ago, our pastor preached a sermon series on "How can I pray for you NOW?" This
title is what grabbed me. It says it all and put me on a mission to be INTENTIONAL about praying for ALL who ask or have need. I seek the Lord daily - and He shows me WHO to pray for. Often, I will reach out to them and let them know they are being prayed for. Why? Because I know being on the receiving end of needing prayer, it encourages, strengthens and gives hope. Sometimes knowing people are praying gives the ability to face one more day! Prayer is vital to the Christian walk both on the giving and receiving end. I sometimes will post on Facebook offering to pray for those who want it. That is probably my most looked at post. I see this on others posts as well. Do you know sometimes (often) when God lays it on your heart to pray for someone, you are or have the answer to their prayer.
There are so many people who desperately need a touch from the Lord. They need our prayers. I want to encourage you, challenge you and to remind me, to be INTENTIONAL and DELIBERATE and CONSISTENT in praying for those God puts on your heart - or in your path whether they ask for prayer or not. Your prayers are POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE!
What IF - your prayers for them is the TIPPING POINT:
that brings their answer,
that brings the healing,
that brings the provision,
that keeps someone from giving up on God or life,
that brings deliverance to the addicted,
that brings a soul into the Kingdom,
that brings reconciliation in a marriage,
that protects a soldier from death or injury,
that helps the missionary stay committed to their calling,
that keeps a pastor from quitting or committing suicide.
that (you fill in the blank)
So, if you are in need of prayer, please email me at michele@wantinsight.com and I would be happy to pray for you! There are quite a few of you who have responded in the past, and I am committed to praying for you until you see the answer you are desiring!!! (Maybe that's why I don't sleep much at night - I'm up praying for you! and it's an honor!! - seriously it blesses me that I can pray for YOU!)