What should I know about automation? - in pandemic times
Hanna Sova | Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

What should I know about automation? - in pandemic times

With Corona Pandemic taking the third wave over many nations, paralyzing livelihoods and day to day life of billions of people. Everyone is looking at how much we can do to keep the businesses going on!

Automation is a key aspect that helped many organizations to keep afloat since the last 18 months of the pandemic hit. I am sure every one of you are being affected, but some of you are not impacted by that. That is because you or your organization had a business continuity plan (BCP) that helped sustained through. But time is running out, there is a level of stress any BC plan can take and third wave will take down another set of organizations to the ground.

Lets break the problem to smaller chunks that we can deal with.

  1. 2021 BCP plan, is it similar to 2020 or different
  2. Is there anything else that I should look at first?
  3. Does automation become priority, to keep running my business
  4. What are the Myths about Automation
  5. If I am going for it, what are the steps

2021 plan is different

I personally believe the way forward plan is different to what we adapted in early 2020. While pandemics are not new to the world, we were not experiencing it for almost a century, so the tacit knowledge and depth of the situation was almost gone from the herd knowledge. So world was bit late to take actions, but people respected the actions and responded well. But in a year and half in to the issue, public is aware what to do, but they are used to the problem and respect less the rules and now we are facing third wave. In fact virus is also changing itself to be here! We all did everything to work from home, didn't expect anything special from the companies we worked for. We were wearing face masks, wash hands, didn't gather in large numbers. But you may have seen some of these things are changing.

That is why we need to act now to face this long term transformation or change that is required for sustainability.

Is there anything else that I should look at first

Yes, first part of the pandemic was more about life and death. Now life and death becomes a norm, even a close relatives funeral is not moving us! what a world. So look at your inner self first, focus on the opportunity being present to you. If you are reading this and well, it means you are safe and sound and has survived the test of time. If you have not taken a vaccine just do it. Don't worry about the brand, any brand is better than no vaccine. That is how you be responsible first.

Of as a second step look at your role, if you are someone who is responsible for lot of other people, how they work, then it is time you look at how to make it easier for them to work from anywhere. But if you are not in such a role, see for yourselves, how to deliver your job without compromising the health and safety of your family and friends. Spend bit of money if needed to equip yourselves face that.

Is Automation a priority, to keep running my business

Yes, if you are in charge of the business and if you are responsible for the the sustainability of your business function, you better look at what can stop your business.

At many instances digitization has helped companies and businesses to keep operating in difficult times. No matter whether this is due to the pandemic, or floods to Tsunami's various other natural calamities that are affecting our day to day operations, Digitization can help mitigate such risks to a greater extent. Now if you are digitized, automation can take your operations to the next level of removing some dependencies for sustenance.

What is the Myths about Automation

Myth is automation solves all the problems!

No it cannot. But it can help address problems in a pragmatic approach. For an example, automation can reduce the repetitive tasks with automation and use that time to engage employees with more interesting valuable work. It also help, unplug your employees from office and let them work from anywhere.

If I am going for it, what are the steps

We have developed a guide that can be used for the start collecting what you need to make that decision. You can sign up for that via our Contact us page and then we will send you the whitepaper on that.

Click the above link and register to receive the white paper

Not only that, if you are ready with your information, then I can have a chat with you discussing what you can do and how you can do that. If you are a small business, most probably I can point you to some solutions which will cost you nothing, but that can help you start going digital.

But if you are an established large business who is looking at the digital transformation journey and business continuity as an organizations priority, lets discuss business options that can give you as high as 8-10 months ROI or pandemic resistance business transformation strategies.


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