To Eat or Not to Eat, that is the Question.....
Gavin Watterson
“Exercise, Fat-Loss, Fitness and Online Health & Wellness Solutions for Discerning Clients” Celebrity Trainer and Published Author. Currently in Thailand studying and training Muay Thai
WE ALL NEED Proteins, Carbs and Fats to Survive.....Everyone, that is Everyone single person on Earth needs these vital macronutrients.
The difference is as humans due to our (varying) environments, ethnicities, body-types or a thousand other reasons to do with our own unique physiological and biological traits we ALL thrive or are BEST suited to (slightly) different “ratios” combinations of macro and micro-nutrient in order for us to maintain or indeed attain optimal health......
Examples of certain physical traits and characteristics (below)
So, whether u choose to restrict Animal products, Dairy, Gluten, Shellfish, Nuts or Fish - It doesn’t matter......
.......You may choose to avoid certain foods purely due to religious practices/doctrine, personal preference or ethical reasons - Still, it doesn’t matter
You may love eating Rice, Bread, Eggs or Potatoes and, so long as the foods you consume don't cause inflammation in joints or GI tract for example or any other negative/adverse reactions or compromise immunity, it doesn't matter....
There are people all over the world who will eat "certain" foods with absolutely NO PROBLEMS that others find distressing (for any number of reasons) It comes down to personal preference and whether or not your body can tolerate them?! - This does NOT necessarily mean that certain "foods" are inherently GOOD or BAD it's simply how your body digests, assimilates & processes what you eat?
You've heard the quote "One man's meat is another man's poison" written by the Roman poet Lucretius
The ONLY thing that actually matters is that you ingest (& absorb) an optimum amount or least an adequate amount nutrients i.e Protein, Carbs, and Fats (plus Micro-nutrients) based on your biological and physiological needs/requirements.
Food can be consumed as Animal-based, Non-animal or Plant-based products the choice is yours. Organic foods are ultimately best....But as long as foods are fresh, even frozen you can still eat well - A couple of drawbacks you may wish to consider are how you store foods and how you cook foods (for example, cooking decreases nutrients available within Vitamins and excessive heat renders Enzymes biologically devoid or in-active)
Animal-based products do tend to have more complete (essential) Amino Acid profile as opposed to plant-based foods/products that are typically "incomplete" proteins (goods need to be combined together to achieve the "full spectrum of essential Aminos acids" required by the body in order for it to able to synthesis non-essential amino acids.
Try and steer clear of refined sugars, white salt, additives, E-numbers, preservatives, chemicals, colorants, junk foods, ready-meals, synthetic or processed foods etc (or consume rarely if you do)
If you Eat Real foods, Eat Fresh & stay adequately Hydrated - Your Body will Thank you for it.....
Daily calorie intake ideally must incorporate (BMR Basal Metabolic Rate) plus the physical demands (work/exercise/training/exertion) that you put your body through (BEE Basal Energy Expenditure) What you consume either amounts to you maintaining, losing or gaining (weight) Its advantageous (all round) that you fuel your body with nutritious foods - that's a no brainer!
Many people are not aware that where on the body you are actually "storing" body-fat can indicate what is going on inside your body regarding hormones and their ratios towards on another....This is incredibly important when it comes to identifying needs in prescribing a specific diet or exercise to a person who want to physically change their bodily composition for the better - Not (as most people do) hammering away blindly on some random/generic regime to expect (decent) results......
Hormones levels and Fat distribution, what is means (below)
Also, consider what you put (into) or through your body - as to HOW well it performs.
Understanding HOW to create an "optimal" fuel- mix for personal wellness and longevity, in order to stay healthy and disease-free as long as possible into old age is a very POWERFUL thing do accomplish...
....When you have this (perfect) balance this is called “Homeostasis”
As you no doubt aware there is an abundance of GOOD and BAD (better vs worse) choices or varieties/variations of foods choose from for you to create your own “PERFECT” diet
For example, we all do things differently from one another from a physical point of view so even this requires different amounts (more vs less / amounts and ratios) of nutrients based on our body-types, gender, weight, size, muscle mass, hormones plus metabolism in order for us to thrive.....
Have you ever taken a step back and asked the question - Do you Live to Eat or Eat to Live?
It’s only in your best interest to learn what "diet" (i.e nutritional intake) or foods suit you best?
Below are examples of how 2500Kcal per day would look like for numerous people if divided differently as inter-changeable Macro-nutrient ratios.
As a “Metabolic Typing" advisor I have advocated this profiling system on behalf of Healthexcel for the last 15 years with phenomenal success..
*However* Caveat - You must understand that eating for optimal health/wellness is NOT the same as eating for either weight loss or for the most efficient way to oxidize (burn) body-fat as this is eating for effect!! Of which nutrition, physical, hormonal, mental & lifestyle factors (NEAT) all play a significant part in reconstituting composition/conditioning (this is where it's particularly beneficial engaging a knowledgable trainer to design a bespoke diet, exercise & lifestyle program)
Two big factors for weight loss and fat loss are putting yourself in a calorie deficit but also increasing your daily physical activity to BURN off or expend more calories.
For highly efficient fat loss I personally do well going Ketogenic as this ramps up fat oxidization by incorporating NEATs (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenics) and other methods I have conceived & developed as a fat loss expert you literally turn yourself into a fat-burning Volcano (it's not easy, you must keep your diet very strict)
KETO has to de done THE CORRECT WAY to work effectively.
Caveat Emptor, buyer beware there are so many clueless companies and trainers touting or selling "Keto" incorrectly coz its a Buzz word at present - Questionably some people are only in it for the money $$$$$$
As a nutritional advisor I totally get there is a massive quandary for the majority of people to know (and understand) what to eat for their own requirements???
This is part of the reason why people get so preoccupied "choosing" to avoid certain foods due to personal preferences or things like animal rights, religion, neurosis, likes/dislikes, allergies or intolerances etc
Listen to your body - You are doing your body a severe disservice if you don't feed it correctly...
You can liken anyones dietary preferences to following a "nutritional religion" With food choices, there are so many considerations, morality, spiritual, animal rights or personal values that apply to the foods you eat (or choose to avoid)
It's Fascist Foodism for goodness sake "My diet's better than your's f*#king Bullshit"
But, like I said it doesn't matter what you choose to eat (within reason) as long as you are in good health, rarely if ever sick with great energy levels, no bloating, no joint pain or inflammation, No IBS, no digestive or weight issues with clear skin, bright eyes and are quite literally full of beans.
If you feel great all the time like this, in my humble opinion you're doing something right...
*Caveat - The young, adolescents or and people in their 20's often get away with eating (poorly) without showing underlying signs or symptoms of poor health due to raging hormones and high metabolism - But internally they will most definitely be a train wreck waiting to happen and future candidates for "Metabolic Syndrome-X" or worse.
You can ONLY see the projection of external Health - Not Internal Health!
You see it really doesn't matter what you choose to believe in or what you choose to eat from a healthwise point of view.....
.......So long as for your own personal standpoint, you receive adequate amounts of proteins, carbs & fats for your body to operate optimally - Who the hell cares what anyone else eats or whether they want to follow a Vegan, Vegetarian, Pescatarian, Keto, Paleo, Carnivore, Meditteranean, low-fat, liquid or cat-food diet etc....
.....The only person anyone is (actually) hurting if you eat a diet deficient in "anything" whatsoever i.e. macros, micros, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, trace elements, phytonutrients or bio-photons is YOURSELF!
This is WHY there will NEVER be a one-fits-all diet - It's impossible
....Also, changes in your "environment" mean personal demand for macros/micros always change (albeit ever so slightly) Even altering body (composition) for the better via "diet" exercise and lifestyle means your natural requirements (i.e. demand) for nutrients in-general alters...
Learning to be "in-tune" with your body is KEY for overall health and wellness...
Having this awareness of how you are feeling or just knowing yourself inside-out is a big part of being able to optimally maintain and fuel your physical electro-chemical "vessel"
Providing Reliable Trusted Diet, Training and Wellness Solutions for discerning clients.
For more information or to contact Gavin directly please visit