What should I do if the door lock screw slips?
Everyone will encounter the situation of broken door locks in life. Sometimes find that when you need to remove and replace the door lock #screw slips or the screw hole slips wire. What should I do if I encounter this situation?
Hongnai teaches you a few tips:
1. The screw hole slip wire can be injected into the screw hole with a small amount of glue, and then screw the screw in, and then use sharp-nosed pliers to spin the screw out after the cement solidifies (only so do not use a screwdriver for fear of causing the screw to slip tooths), and wait for the glue to be completely hardened;
2. Reaming the screw hole and then tapping with a tap. Spend less money and ask for high skills.
So the screw head is rounded. How do we take it out?
1. Screw the round screw. We find a way to use a stiff knife to scratch the shape of the cross or a flat body in the circle, simply one condition, a little deeper, and then take it out with a #flat screw.
2. Use a small drill to punch the rounded screw, then screw it in with an anti-wire tap to form a screw tooth inside. If the anti-wire tooth is, then use the corresponding small screw to screw it in to come out.
3. In addition, you can use the solder method, use an electric soldering iron to heat the solder, drip on the screws and screwdrivers, and let them cool and solidify. Then you can unscrew it smoothly, but this method is more tool-intensive.
4. If the screw is already a little out, this is easy. We can use the diameter with the upper needle pliers or vice for tricky clamping and then rotate the pliers can be. There is a heating method. We can heat the screwdriver, top the screw, wait a few seconds, and then rotate so that the screw is slightly softened out of the cross or word print. It is good if you have a way to heat the screw.
The reason why the #door lock screw is prone to slippery wire is that the general door lock screw strength is not enough, and it is easy to slip the wire after several disassemblies.