What was the Shortest Article in the World?
Steve Hunter
AS400 professional with over 30 years experience in development, analysis & support. JD Edwards, JBA. MS Office Apps. Problem Solver. I also design Apps.
The shortest article ever published in the New York Times consisted of one word.
The title was a bit longer: ““When I’m Mistakenly Put on an Email Chain, Should I Hit ‘Reply All’ Asking to Be Removed?”
The article itself: “No.”
It’s funny because it really is that simple.
But… there’s a reason why all articles aren’t short and to the point like that.
It’s because most things are not that clear cut and simple. There’s nuance.
Take affiliate marketing.
If you asked me to write a one word article titled…
“Should I Do Affiliate Marketing If I Want To Build An Income Stream Online Without Working Myself To The Bone?”
My article, of course, would go “Yes.”
But that would not be enough.
Not if I really want to help you succeed.
You see, there’s a lot of nuance to affiliate marketing if you really want to make money with it.
It gets even more complicated if you don’t have 6 months to wait for money to start rolling in, because you quite enjoy having a roof over your head, food on the table, and electricity that lights your abode.
You see…
The problem with nuance is it takes a lot of time to understand.
Could you master building sales webinars for affiliate promotions? Yes… but it would take you 10,000 hours to get really good at it.
Could you also perfect the art of building funnels that seamlessly take someone you’ve never met from “vaguely interested” to “yes, I’m sold!”? Yes… but it would take you another 10,000 hours.
I also have no doubt that, given the time, you’d also be able to master traffic-getting, list building, relationship-building… and everything else necessary to make money with affiliate promotions.
It will, realistically, take you years to get good at this.
Here’s what I do instead:
I rely on others with a proven track record to do things for me.
If you don’t have all the time in the world to see results…
If your interest in generating income online isn’t driven by just curiosity - but by a need…
If you want to leverage the insane firepower of some of the top affiliates in the world...
You need to watch this short video: