What Shoes Are You Wearing?
Amber Griffiths, Maker of Legends ??
* Brand Strategist * Maker of Legends * Speaker ?? *** Amplify your Brand, Moxify your Message, and Become Unforgettable to your Most Ideal Clients! CallToLegend?
What are you wearing today? Do you have a special pair of shoes that make you stand a little taller? Not because they’re heels, but because they’re just so you. And anyone who knows you would see those shoes on the floor and think, “Yeah, I know exactly who those belong to.” This is part of that “Claim Your Voice” portion of creating a RockStar Brand.
It’s time for you to own your voice. Own your talents. And yes, own your weirdness and your quirks. Because all of that is what makes you unique. And owning all those parts of who you are should make you stand a little taller.
If you’re used to networking and connecting with people, I’m sure there’s a bit of the chameleon in you. Part of being a business owner is being able to get out there and find common ground with the people you meet. But you need to make sure that you’re consistently sharing your message and your voice with the people you meet. You want your voice and your Brand to come across loud and clear.
Don’t walk around in shoes that don’t fit
You don’t want to change your opinion to match who is around you, room to room, event to event, depending on who surrounds you. When your voice is inconsistent, you’ll end up with people who sort of want to work with you. They can sort of tell what you are and sort of tell what you have to offer.
If you walk around in someone else’s shoes because you think that’s what is expected or what you should be doing, or you think that that is what your target market expects, you are going to be very uncomfortable most of the time. Because those aren’t your shoes!
Claim your shoes! You’ll stand taller and walk farther.
Claim your Passion
When I travel to speak, I leave everything back home, because that is how important my message is to me. That’s how much that matters and how important I feel my message is. And I do it with my glitter shoes on, with my own special rockstar-ness.
What do you have that you feel that passionate about? What can you offer your Ideal Clients that excites you? Claim that. Claim 100% of it and speak loudly. Claim your shoes, claim your voice. Be 100% you and the people that are meant to work with you will flock to you. They will come to you and say, “I know what I need, I know you have it, and I want it.”
They want it from you, and not just sort of. That’s the power and the benefit of claiming 100% of your voice.