What a Shame it Would Be!
We are very near being only one year away from a presidential election. I think there are lots of folks out there who don’t like confrontation and that’s the only reason I can fathom that the Dims continue with this impeachment ridiculousness. They are confident that the electorate will vote for someone other than this most successful conservative president of all time just so the country with “settle down” and all this division with “go away.”
Yes, this is a confrontational president. It’s a shrug of the shoulders to me that he’s confrontational with political advisories and the press…they have it coming, thinking they can lie and misquote and criticize with impunity. It’s not a shrug that he’s confrontational with those who’ve taken advantage of, attacked, and threatened America for decades. That alone should get him re-elected in a landslide. Not to speak of a roaring economy, folks who’ve never worked or thought they’d never work again having jobs and new confidence and self-reliance, and, even though the Dims deny it, respect from the rest of the world. We have a president with gonads, now let’s just pray we have an electorate with the same.
This country has been confrontational since we told King George to peddle his b.s. elsewhere, let’s not forget it’s what made America, not merely made America great again.
What a shame it would be if folks didn't vote for Trump for the same reason many shrink from his bombastic and egotism. If folks didn't vote for him because they were so concern with their own sensibilities and not with the fact the country is doing so well and so many who had little or no hope are succeeding. If you don't vote Trump for those reasons it's pure selfishness. I've often said, I don't care if our president, whoever he or she might be, stands on their heads in the corner (there is no corner) of the Oval Office and tries to stack bebes while wearing a pink lace bra and panties, so long as they do for the country and Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, women and youth, what Trump has done. God bless him.