What Sets Simplex Apart?

What Sets Simplex Apart?

So one of the bigger questions that could be asked about our software is, what makes Simplex different then other software? That is a very fair question to be ask!

One of the biggest difference's you'll find between Simplex and others is, Simplex was designed for function first. A lot of software on the market these days are very very good at what they were originally intended to do, organize mass information. But one area they lack, is efficiency towards operation, or ease of use. They are often designed to store information first, function later. That's why you'll often find yourself clicking through menu after menu, trying to find where the pertinent information you need is to run your business.

Simplex was designed the other way around. It is designed first and foremost, to provide you with the information you care about most as quickly as possible, and then take care of storing the information that matters. No more filling out things that don't matter to you. Simplex was built to help you run your business. We want to make it as simple and straight-forward as checking your e-mail in the morning. Simplex is built around your business so you don't have to build your business around your software.

How have we done this? One of the big things we've done is make the first module of our program we've built the production scheduler. The schedule is the heartbeat of a manufacturing company. It affects everything from quoting to shipping in some way, shape or form. So we've started our software with the most critical part that is used day-in and day-out. And while building it, we are keeping speed, and relevant information at the forefront. Most tasks are completed within a few clicks when adding work-centers, or working different what-if scenarios when a hot job comes in. We measure how well we do for speed by measuring what we call Clicks-to-goal (CTG). Typically, the fewer the clicks the better. We know your customers don't want to wait for you to fill out paper work, and neither do we.
The second thing keeping Simplex as simple and straight-forward as can be, is it only asks for the most relevant information needed to accomplish it's task. No more entering information that has no bearing on how you determine your schedule. Only the information that matters to you and to your company, always front and center. That way, you can make the best decisions quicker than before because everything you need to know is on a single screen.

If there are any topics or questions you would like me to cover about scheduling or Simplex, feel free to comment below!

Source: What Sets Simplex Apart?


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