What sets apart the Mundane from the Masterful?
I was recently directed to a book titled: "Start with Why" written by Simon Sinek. I have just begun reading it and already I have been captivated by so many things to deeply think about. One of which was the comparison between Martin Luther King Jr, Steve Jobs and the Wright Brothers; they might have had little in common but they all started with "why". Why what?
Can we answer the question why some people are
more innovative, more influential and more profitable? Simon Sinek discovered that they all think, act and communicate in the same exact way even though they have their differences. In this book he shows us all how to be a great leader and inspire others to take action; because it doesn't matter WHAT you do, it matters WHY you do it.
Has anyone read this book or others by Simon Sinek? I am curious, what is your WHY?