What Separates Rich People From Others
kayode kolade
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Dear High Performer,
To change your results, you are going to have to think differently, feel differently, and behave differently.
I remember this ad I saw as a kid.
It said, ‘Mercedes Benz and others.’
It just spoke to the exclusivity of the Mercedes brand.
In the same way rich people are exclusive.
They are in a class of their own.
They belong to a special and private club in a manner of speaking.
You’ve seen it in movies.
It’s that underground club that has no signs leading to it.
You knock the door, and the eye slot slides open with a voice saying, ‘password?’
Only the people with password can gain access to this club.
Now this password has nothing to do with how you look.
It’s not about how tall or how short you are.
Neither does it have to do with your age or the color of your skin.
You can dress expensive, drive a nice car, live in a fancy part of town, or speak with an intriguing accent...
And still not gain access to the club.
Sometimes some people are able to fool the guard at the door or bribe their way in,
But it’s only a matter of time before they are discovered and get kicked out.
What then is the password to get into the exclusive club of the rich?
What makes rich people stand out from other people?
The way they think.
Because they think differently, their perspective, feelings, and behaviors are different.
Subsequently, their results are different.
Five ways rich people separate themselves from others: ?
Rich people are SPECIFIC.
They know they want, and they go for it.
They are clear, specific, and focused.
They know what their rich life looks like.
The reason people struggle and don’t get what they want out of life is because they haven’t decided what they want.
You miss a 100% of the shots you don’t take…
And you can’t take the shot except you know what you’re aiming for.
Some people are waiting for friends, family, and sometimes strangers to tell them what they want.
To give them permission to go for what they want.
What kind of food they should eat.
What kind of clothes they should wear.
What kind of car they should drive.
How much money do they think will be appropriate for them to earn.
This is what separates rich people from the rest of the herd.
Rich people are decisive, and they decide quickly.
They understand that even if the decision is wrong, they want to quickly learn the lessons and move forward.
Money is not the problem.
People’s decisions are.
However, indecision is a bigger crime than making a wrong decision. ?
Rich people have a SYSTEM
Good intentions can never work a ‘God-idea.’
In other words, rich people know that willpower isn’t enough to stick with a decision;
It is a system that makes the difference.
Take health and fitness for example.
The people who get the results have a system.
A system that encompasses workout, nutrition, sleep, meditation, and other stuff.
What is your system for your finances?
Do you have one?
Another word for system is routine –
A set of habits and practices that are integrated into your identity.
These are not just stuff you do or are trying to do;
They are who you are.
The rich person is not trying to save,
They are savers.
Saving is not something they do, it’s their identity.
Having a system is the difference between making a new year’s resolution, which most times is forgotten by February…
And having a strategy to win.
The opposite of a system is stress.
When there’s no system in place, randomness and chaos are usually the result.
No one of which moves us closer to the goals we want to achieve. ?
Rich people respect SMALL
You may know the feeling.
How you give money or a gift to someone and you start explaining to them how...
It’s because things are difficult for you right now that’s why you can only give this ‘small’ gift.
You feel bad because you don’t have more to give.
That what you’re giving is small.
Rich people don’t think like this.
Look at everything great that exists today, it started small.
Jesus, the son of God, came into the world as a baby.
Small is great.
Small is powerful.
You need to start thinking differently about ‘small’ if you’re going to see the change you desire in your finances,
Or any area for that matter.
‘You aren’t scared to start your dream.
You’re embarrassed to be seen starting small,’ is the way Brendon Burchard puts it.
The real reason you feel embarrassed for giving that gift has nothing to do with the size of the gift...
But has everything to do with the size of your thoughts.
On a conscious level you may say things like,
‘Small things can make a difference,’
But deep down you don’t believe it.
Deep down what you really believe is that something has to look big before it is considered important and of any significance…
Deep down, maybe the reason you feel bad for giving that ‘small’ gift is because...
You too are hoping someone will give you some ‘big’ money to solve your problems.
This is one of the reasons people feel stuck in life.
Rich people understand that it is small samples used in lab tests that lead to the discovery of major life changing solutions.
They understand that they may start small, but they know they won’t stay small.
Also, rich understand that many times it’s the small things that separate excellence from mediocre.
It’s usually that little, but extra attention to how a seemingly ordinary or regular task is done.
It’s the commitment to being our best, always, and not just when it’s convenient or when people are watching.
Rich people understand that life is a game of inches.
It’s the inches…
It’s doing the ‘small’ things other people are unwilling to do that makes the difference between winning and losing. ? ?
Our emotions play a big role in our finances.
Emotions are energy in motion.
Life is in constant flow, moving towards energy centers.
Money is attracted to positive energy and repelled by the negative.
Rich people know this.
This is why…
Number one, they have a spending plan.
Secondly, they have a guilt-free approach to spending money on things they love.
Growing up, some of us have been taught subconsciously to feel bad about spending money on the things we like.
To feel like spending money on anything luxury is a waste.
Everyone wants to project their own idea of the right way we should spend our money.
Why would you buy that car? The money could have been used to buy land.
Why would you buy that phone? The money could have been used to buy land.
Why would you buy that shoe? The money could have been used to buy land.
Now, I know you understand that I’m not implying you don’t use wisdom and discretion in your spending.
After all, that’s why you have a spending plan in the first place.
What I’m saying is make the decision to buy or not to buy.
And if you decide to spend money on that thing,
Don’t attach any negative emotion like guilt to it.
Stop judging yourself.
Stop feeling irresponsible.
Just buy it, enjoy it, and move forward.
There is also the scenario where you feel pained or inconvenienced in the moment...
For making a financial sacrificial investment for your future.
This kind of pain is actually the good kind.
Because rich people understand that the world is governed by laws.
And one such law is the law of sacrifice.
You can be sure that the rewards are coming.
But when it comes to spending money on the things they like,
Rich people do not attach negative emotions like guilt. ?
Rich people SERVE
One of the major things that separates rich people from others is how they treat people.
This advice is especially important for people who place a high value on how smart and hardworking they are.
Smartness and hard work can only take a person so far.
There’s a strong correlation between your financial success and your relationships.
Being deliberate about treating people better...
Might just be the key to unlocking that next level you desire.
Especially how you treat the people you are familiar with.
There’s always that tendency for us to be on our best behavior...
When we are in settings and with people we are just meeting for the first time.
But when it’s the people we are used to, we default to autopilot mode.
We have become so used to these people we have forgotten how to serve and treat them with respect.
When scriptures say, he that finds a wife, finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord*,
It’s not referring to just your courtship, engagement, or early years of marriage.
You have to keep finding your wife, 10 years after you are married,
To keep enjoying favor in your finances and other areas of your life.
Another word for this finding process is service and respect.
‘Marriage is not a place to stand up for your rights,
Marriage is a decision to serve the other, whether in bed or out**,’? Paul the Apostle said.
Trust me, it’s no fun.
It can be annoying when you, being the grown ass man that you are,
Are summoned to come to the toilet and look at a stain you are responsible for.
Your first and only instinct is to fight for your rights.
‘I’m a very neat person.’
‘I don’t see any stain.’
‘And by the way, I’m older than you.’
‘This is my house.’
‘This is…’
My advice?
Take off your ‘Matlock,’ hat and put on your service gloves and just do it the way she wants.
This applies to wives too.
The big picture to this whole service and respect thing is this…
At the next level in your finances,
There are new relationships with new opportunities coming your way.
How well you treat your current, familiar, relationships is how you’re going to treat the ones coming.
You can either be right or be kind.
You can either be right or serve.
Pass the test. ?
Therefore “Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you***.”
There you have it.
Five access codes that will give you access to the exclusive club of the rich.
The passwords that will unlock the VIP, Rich level of life.
Now that you have the access codes, the question is,
What are you going to do with them?
To change your results, you are going to have to think differently, feel differently, and behave differently.
Even if differently is simply redoubling your commitment to what was working...
And finding a new way to do an ‘old’ thing.
At the end of the day, it’s about doing the things, other people are unwilling to do.
Be specific.
Decide what you want and go for it.
Have a system in place.
Strategy will always trump resolutions.
Respect the small.
Life is a game of inches.
Don’t let the seemingly small things keep you from becoming all you are created to be.
Be skillful in your spending.
Have a spending plan and don’t feel guilty for spending on the things you love.
Life is one big test.
Until you pass the tests, you are not qualified for the next level.
It’s great to see you here in the rich club.
Cheers to greater heights.
NOTES Proverbs 18:22 (NKJV)? 1 Corinthians 7:4 (MSG)? **2 Corinthians 6:17 (NKJV)?
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