- Combine extensive executive, organization development and HCM strategy acumen to ensure your success
- Bring broad and deep diversity of industry and job level recruiting experience
- Collaborate with champions and key stakeholders to set the framework and timelines for project milestones
- Facilitate development and production of job profile, key accountabilities of the role and competency map?using a patented process
- Aggressively source top talent based on what the client expects and the job requires
- Integrate and apply predictive analytics technology (ATS, assessment system)
- Assess applicants' talent using best-in-class state-of-the-art talent assessment tools
- Provide white glove communication approach with consistency
- Interview and vet top talent and generate candidate talent analysis and comparisons
- Present candidate evaluation packets to stakeholders, facilitate client evaluation of candidates
- Co-create the interview loop strategy, prepare stakeholders
- Ensure quality at every gate
- Support the offer process
- Provide onboarding coaching for both the new hire and the client (hiring manager)
- Support a 12-month guarantee on all retained search hires
Tap here and choose a convenient time/date to schedule a ‘more information’ meeting with Carl Nielson and Peter Donan. https://my.timetrade.com/book/2L3GC