What is SEO?
Why do I need SEO?
When was the last time you purchased a high ticket item? Was it a car, truck, boat, house or shopping around for a college education? Chances are, you went to Google and did a bit a research before choosing the best product or service.
This is where SEO comes into play... positioning a website at the top of Google Search Results for specific keywords.
If you go to Google right now, and search "Who is the best SEO expert in the world?" You will see a list of top SEO experts on the first page, I am included in that list. Each SEO Expert did search engine optimizations to outrank thousands of other SEO companies for that top spot.
Positioning their SEO marketing services to capture leads effortlessly for years and years. Those businesses that capture the market online, win big.
Consider the analogy of bricks and mortar candy store from “back in the day”. Although the shop made the best candies and sweets in town, unless their name appeared in classified ads in newspapers and the TV, few buyers would show up at the store. The same is true with today’s digital storefronts – i.e. your online presence.
Owning and successfully operating an online business requires a website – and other online presences, like social media pages. But it also means you need to promote that site online, so current and prospective clients might find you whenever they have the need for your products or services.
More importantly though, is the marketing aspect of an online business. You don’t just want (current) clients who know your business, or those who are actively considering buying (prospects) your product, to find your website online. It’s important to also “convert” casual visitors – who may not initially want to buy – into paying customers. And that’s where SEO comes in!
As an online business owner operating in a highly competitive marketplace, you need SEO if you:
- …want your business to survive and thrive
- …are looking to expand in new markets
- …care about having more online visibility that your competition
- …want a consistent stream of leads
- …are always looking to convert leads to paying clients
So, what does SEO do to give you all (and more!) of the above? Well, here’s the simple truth about why SEO matters to you. You need SEO because:
- 68%[1] ?of all identifiable web traffic happens as a result of web searches
- 3%[2] ?of all web traffic come from organic searches
- 76%[3] ?of people who searched for a product/service using a smartphone have visited a nearby business within one day of conducting their search
- SEO[4] ?results in 1000% plus more traffic than other strategies, including social media
- 60% of online businesses say that in-bound SEO delivers them a higher quality of leads tan do other lead generating strategies
- SEO results in closing 14.6% of all online deals
As an online business owner, or someone who manages a website, what do all these numbers mean for you? Depending on what business you are in, and what online marketing strategy you pursue, these statistics might mean different things to various businesses. However, the one common take-away from these figures is this:
The world has around 2 billion websites on the internet, of which approximately 400 million are currently active[5] .?If you run an online business, then you need your website “found” among the vastness of other websites out there. And for that to happen, you need SEO!
Read full SEO guide on Sandy Rowley SEO blog here: https://renowebdesigner.com/what-is-seo-3/