What is SEM?
What is SEM?

What is SEM?

SEM is no longer an unfamiliar term for marketers. However, for many beginners, SEM is quite unfamiliar. In this article, FPT Skilling will bring you useful information including the definition, functions, and strengths of SEM.

What is SEM???

SEM is a term commonly used in Marketing , and it stands for Search Engine Marketing. It is can be understood as: “Search Engine Marketing”. You can understand SEM as a way you market on search engines. This is a process by which you attract free visits and get high ranking on search engine results pages by paying for your ads.

SEM is a combination of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay Per Click). In other words, SEO is a branch of SEM. SEM is a combination of many marketing methods aimed at helping your website stand in the position you want in the search results on the internet.

What is the goal of SEM?

As you know, SEM is the process by which you attract free traffic and make your page appear on search engine results page by paying advertising fees. Therefore, the goal of SEM is to increase the frequency of your website appearing on the search engine results page. Attract more user visits to the website.?

Why is SEM important?

In the current digital age, the Internet for us is an inexhaustible treasure of knowledge. The Internet is like an electronic encyclopedia that is always with us. When faced with a difficult question, or want to learn a new knowledge, we all go online and search for information and get the answer right after. We collect information and knowledge from websites on the internet. And according to the survey, most of us will choose the websites that appear on the first page. The higher the position, the more visits, and the more likely it is to be clicked.?

Search engines, such as Google, have complex algorithms to optimize and select websites with quality and reputable information to rank them in the top positions. This is how they please and keep users coming back to their search engine.

Therefore, SEM plays an extremely important role so that your website can appear in the top suggestions in the search engine results page.



