What is self improvement?
Well, the dictionary defines self improvement as "improvement of one's mind, character, etc. through one's own efforts. Seems pretty simple and straight forward.
So logically, the next question one would ask themselves is what should the efforts consist of? In other words, what techniques, principles & resources work most effectively?
Well, that is a question that Clinical Hypnotherapist, Steve G. Jones has been asking himself for many years.
Since the 1980's, Steve has been changing the lives of people all over the world for the better using the power of hypnosis.
One thing that you should always keep in mind is that there is there is no "one magical formula" that can completely improve every single aspect of your life.
Enhancing your level of self
improvement is a process that consists of many different techniques and formulas. After all, one's self consists of many things and because we are all different, some of us need more improvement in certain places than others.
Taking the necessary steps toward enhancing your self improvement is like exercising. Only instead of training your body, you're training your mind.
When you exercise or train your body, there is no one universal program known to man that works for everyone. Rather, effective programs consist of a combination of many different techniques and exercises that come together at different points that create the desired result.
For example, let's say your goal is to build muscle. Because your entire body consists of different muscles that do different things, different exercises are required for each one. And for each muscle, there's probably 5-7 different exercises that you can perform to achieve your overall fitness goal.
Training your mind is no different. The techniques that you apply should always vary. The important thing is that they actually work.
Many people however, don't take the process of training their brain as seriously as they should.
They spend all of their time, money and energy on resources that they think will improve their lives without ever actually investing in their mind.
Think of your mind as the root and everything else as the branches. The roots set the stage of success for everything else.