What security can expect from Wave 3 and 4

What security can expect from Wave 3 and 4

Will the 3rd Wave or 4th be the same as the first and second wave?

Where could a person obtain relevant and reliable information on what to expect the impact will be on the security industry during or when the 3rd or 4th covid tidal wave hits?

Could it be the regulators, perhaps so called professional threat assessors, heads of security associations and institutes - from where?

A tailing threat of the pandemic is the economic meltdown. Covid will not be under control until the entire world is inoculated at the same time with the same vaccine strength therefore it will impact the security industry for years to come. This is, unless some miracle drug is made and globally consumed at the same time.

When it comes down to global threats that are life impacting or has deadly outcomes, then the decision-maker becomes proactive and aligns without agenda alongside others that know what they are doing which does not necessary mean the health community for all information because the security industry does more.

Why - not many in the private security industry realize that they are in fact implementing health protocols because they have the equipment to take temperature - manage social movement of people and ensure that people are following the hygiene protocols. BUT, they do not know that they should be doing more in security because there is CRIME related to the threat that can cause more ciaos besides handling angry and aggressive people.

Crime investigators are only summoned after the fact - this does not serve security principles because security must find the crime as fast as possible because their biggest nightmare is not knowing what is truly happening on the ground. They are proactive!

It therefore is dangerous when people presents themselves as professional threat assessors and claim that they can assess and advise on covid-9 basing their training and opinions on the health protocols only.

How can one plan for the worst and hope for the best when they have no idea where to begin and what to expect?

Biological threat security is another story. They must be able to prove that they know what biological threat security entails and what decision should be based upon.

3rd Wave and 4th Wave outcomes calling now for certified biological threat security practitioners

(must be added to field of interest to all security and risk managers)

We take the model 'Israel' where most of the population was inoculated and now end of July - they are beginning the 3rd jab and have rising infections. This means that the vaccine may lose a bit of its potency over time (7 months) and/or the variants are getting stronger.

Know the current situation.

  1. Delta variant has 1000 times the viral load than the initial covid strain and is twice infectious. This means that when people spray droplets when shouting during aggressive behavior is displayed could infect others easily if the other is not wearing goggles because the eyes are just as porous as the mouth. 93 countries are now impacted.
  2. LAMBDA variant is still a virus of interest until more is known but has impacted 30 countries mostly in South America. We note that Uruguay and Chili has reported increased deaths of mucormycosis.
  3. 50 percent of new infections are from people that have been inoculated with 2 jabs. This means that less people may be hospitalized but will need home care and could rely on oxygen.

When there is an oxygen shortage and the patient uses refilled old oxygen bottles then they could contract mucormycosis (black-fungus) which has a mortality rate of 50 percent besides the balance of percentage that could experience life impacting physical disorders such as an eye, both eyes or their top jaw removed.

  • There could be corruption taking place whereas a security officer is receiving a bribe and letting people refill oxygen bottles as a hospital, plant or anywhere else without knowing that the fugus could be in the pipes or valves of the bottles.
  • The same applies to assisted breathing equipment that may be required such as ventilators or humidifiers that are resold by second hand shops.

4. The time involved to inoculate the entire globe with now 3 inoculations means that this active mutating biological threat will be in session for a long time to come before a natural rhythm can be obtained for global herd immunization

5. Basic needs of man is high threat. Because of the economic meltdown there will be more unemployed people that could break their moral code when they need to service their basic needs such as, food, medicines, oxygen, assisted breathing equipment and obviously there is now drink and drugs that addicts need to get their hands on. Besides the sites that manufacture, warehousing or the transportation to distribution centers and retail outlets could be compromised with by mob attacks or soft targets on distinct higher levels of distinct crime such as corruption taking place. Also, this is where organized crime and gang crime will become more active taking advantage of the situation and the people involved.

6. Profit protect is vital. Intelligent Customers will avoid going to a site that is not managed well. The audience will see the professionalism displayed when the people on the ground are working professionally with protocols.


The rolling out of the above mentioned issues gives the read an indication that this situation is here to stay for a while and also that it involves more professionals with the right credentials and knowledge to limit the level of collateral damage.

The needs now - the right layered manpower by skillsets

The security industry will be calling more for Certified Biological Threat Security practitioners besides having their sites COC19 Compliant so that customers do not avoid going to their site.

You need this

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To assess or get that

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Moorosi Monyamane


3 年





