#256: What Is the Secret to the Nine Personality Types in 19 Gems of Wisdom?
Eric Garner
Author of 37 books on soft skills, founder of ManageTrainLearn and 6 e-learning websites, creator of 22,000+ e-learning resources, all free to access or download, owner of daily "People Skills" newsletter
In today's "People Skills" newsletter, we're taking another short break from our normal listings of videos, slides, and books and giving you 20 quotes on the subject of Enneagram Personality Types.
There are 3 things we love about quotes.
First, they allow you to go to the heart of a topic in just a few well-chosen words.
Second, they nearly always contain a level of wisdom and truth.
And, third, they are memorable. Which is why you will find them often used in presentations and speeches.
So, to show you what makes us all different from each other, here are our selection of 20 quotes on the Nine Personality Types...
01. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Jiddu Krishnamurti
"The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is. Self-knowledge has no end - you don't come to an achievement, you don't come to a conclusion. It is an endless river."
02. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Epictetus 55 - 135
"Know, first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly."
03. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Lao Tzu 600 BC
"He who knows much about others may be learned, but he who understands himself is more intelligent. He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."
04. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Erich Fromm
"Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality."
05. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from John Dewey
"The self is not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action."
06. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Juvenal 40 - 125
"Many individuals have, like uncut diamonds, shining qualities beneath a rough exterior."
07. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Jonathan Swift 1667 - 1745
"It is in men as in soils where sometimes there is a vein of gold which the owner knows not of."
08. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Dore Schary
"The true portrait of a man is a fusion of what he thinks he is, what others think he is, what he really is and what he tries to be."
09. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Larry Winget
"Abandoning who people think you are and becoming who you really are is a simple concept, but sometimes it is very hard to do. Yet the key to success is to discover your uniqueness and to exploit it. Your authentic persona, either personal or corporate, is the key to your prosperity."
10. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Francis de Sales 1567 - 1622
For Ones: "Be patient with everyone but above all with yourself. I mean do not be disheartened by your imperfections, but always rise up with fresh courage. How are we to be patient in dealing with our neighbours' faults if we are impatient in dealing with our own? All profitable correction comes from a calm and peaceful mind."
11. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Henry Miller 1891 - 1980
For Twos: "The one thing we can never get enough of is love; and the one thing we never give enough of is love.
12. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Robert Burton 1576 - 1640
For Threes: "Like dogs in a wheel, birds in a cage, or squirrels on a chain, ambitious men still climb and climb with great labour and incessant anxiety but never reach the top."
13. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Victor Hugo 1802 - 85
For Fours: "Melancholy is the pleasure of being sad."
14. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Goethe 1749 - 1832
For Fives: "Thinking is easy, acting is difficult and to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world."
15. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803 - 82
For Sixes: "They conquer who believe they can. He has not learned the first lesson of life who does not every day surmount a fear."
16. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Aldous Huxley 1894 - 1963
For Sevens: "They intoxicate themselves with work so they won't see how they really are."
17. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Earlene Larson Jenke
For Eights: "Have courage to act, rather than react."
18. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from The Buddha 568 - 488 BC
For Nines: "Peace comes from within. Do not seek it from without."
19. The Nine Personality Types: Quote from Don Richard Riso
"The ultimate purpose of the Enneagram is for each of us to become a fully-functioning person which means that each of us will become a paradox: free, yet constrained; shrewd, yet innocent; open to others, yet self-reliant; strong, yet able to yield; realistic about suffering, yet full of gratitude for life as it is."
What Next?
If you have worked through each quote in this collection, you will now have a great set of resources on the nine personality types of human beings.
Now's the time to build on what you've learnt.
With over 22,000 learning resources on our 6 websites, with 2 sites offering free downloads, you can now take charge of your own learning and apply what you have learnt in your work and day-to-day life.
With regular daily practise, reflection, and review, you will be amazed at how quickly the skills will become second nature to you which in their turn will increase your personal confidence.
Click on this link to view and download the full slide collection of The Nine Personality Types Quotes: https://www.managetrainlearn.com/#/slide/2894
Well done and good luck!
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Eric Garner
Managing Director
KSA Training Ltd