What is the secret to husband and wife teams?
Credit: Tim McGraw and real life wife Faith Hill

What is the secret to husband and wife teams?

I have the good fortune of being able to work with my wife. We have an overlap of interests and passions. I think also a dual respet for each other.

I watched the recent 1883 Paramount Plus TV series prequel to Yellowstone, both produced by the brilliant Taylor Sheridan. The 1883 prequel starred Tim McGraw and his real life wife Faith Hill as married characters in the show. Their chemistry was evident but not distorting of the reality of the show. For musicians, they are amazing actors, so much so that by any acting standards I found their acting the best of any series I have watched in many years, albeit it I do not watch many series, but when I do I am very particular about them. No doubt Sheridan must take some of the credit

It is hard to find that chemistry that works in a personal or domestic setting and then apply it to the professional world. It is that age-old cliche that friends shouldn't work together. But I do not think that is true. I think there is an overlap and common space where friends have the affinity to work together, and with that common purpose can achieve goals well.

The problem is work sometimes gets hard, sometimes gets challenging, as well as the pressures of the work environment mean that difficult decisions sometimes mean people feeling dejected. That is normal, and that can also be the case in friendships in personal situations, but in the work place sometimes that causes rifts or damages relationships, but then that happens in friendships too, and family relationships.

I know for me with my wife, we have a very professional presentation in public and that sets the tone for our direct communication when it is just us two. Having said that I will admit I get impatient with my wife sometimes and that is an admission of my character flaws not hers but I am aware of that so I am trying to improve myself in that space. Not to defend myself but I think that my wife knows or understands me better than I think she does or because we are on the same wavelength all the time it would seem, I think that her style will be the same as mine but that is not the case. So I need to be more understanding.

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Picture: Snezhana Batova and Frank Brun, wife and husband team.

I think there is no set secret to a husband and wife team but I would suggest the similar principles apply that would be relevant in any team, and perhaps any team with friends in it.

  • First and last, is patience. Patience with yourself and patience with the people around you. When someone says or does something that does not work for you or sit well with you, it helps to take a breath and look at the situation calmly and then speak or act on it.
  • Staying focused on the common purpose is always a way to keep the business focused but then also keep the momentum and morale high.
  • Enjoy working together. It sounds silly but in the same way we should show recognition for our team, we should do that with out closest team members.
  • Keep things professional always. That sounds straightforward but it is easy to fall into the personal/domestic trap.

I think Husband / Wife teams do not always work, but then some marriages also don't work out as well. I find that our marriage is stronger for our ability to work together and the experience working together has made our marriage stronger as well.

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