Think of the last time you washed your hands with some fancy soap. I just used a “cucumber melon” that wafted over me like a fresh summertime breeze. This got me thinking about your radio show. Let’s dive into this week’s Beyond The 615 Column, article # 147.
How would you describe your radio show if it was a scented bath soap? Dark chocolate with a hint of cayenne pepper.?? How would your listeners describe it? Dry cocoa powder with a splash of sour lemon juice.?
You may not know if there’s a disconnect between the intentions of your radio show and how it comes across to the audience unless you’ve invested in a perceptual study or a focus group.??
There’s a way to line-up what you’re trying to accomplish with how listeners perceive you. It begins with a simple exercise to find your most easily recognized characteristics. Read more about finding your unique character brand diamond here.
#radioshow #radiopersonality #radiohost #radio #radiodj #onair #radiocoaching?
Todd Stach launched Beyond 615, a coaching and consulting business in 2021, where he strives to help others build confidence and discover their full potential. At the time of this article, he serves 26 shows at 12 radio stations. Todd has also written 145+ free articles to encourage on-air personalities and program directors. He and his family live in the (615) area code, aka the heart of the CCM industry.