What to say when vlogging?
Resty Concepcion Jr.
Founder at #VideosThatCare - helping nonprofits & brands tell authentic stories through bitesized videos ?? Video Producer for Course Creators, Podcasters, & Thought-leaders
People often ask me for advice on what to say when vlogging. The truth is, I struggle with this too, especially when I haven't vlogged in a while. It can be challenging to find my rhythm and get back into the groove.
The key to successful vlogging is to consistently practice, allowing you to speak more naturally in front of the camera until it becomes second nature. As they say in singing, practice makes permanent, not perfect. In addition to daily vlogging practice, here are a few more tips to keep in mind
First, just enjoy the moment. Don't feel obliged always to speak once you hit record. Sometimes just filming yourself, where you are, and what you're doing, is already enough to hit the record button. So whenever you see something that's worth capturing, don't hesitate to do so, even if you're not ready to talk.
Second, talk to people. You can time your talking head session when you're about to converse with people, either people you are interviewing or a member of your team. It's so natural to watch and listen to these unscripted dialogues in your vlogs. So make sure you're camera-ready and always equipped with your basic vlog setup when you go out there.
Third, ask yourself some critical questions. If you have a companion (which is better/easier), you can tell them to ask you anything that might be interesting at the moment. Or if you are filming solo, ask yourself if, for example, you're with someone right now, what would you ask them to spark a talk? What are some of the questions that could lead to an interesting conversation (at least with yourself)?
And fourth and final, speak what you have in mind. It doesn't have to be perfect. You can always exclude some of it during post-prod.
How are you feeling right now?
What are your thoughts about the place that you're in,
What about the situation?
Try to give context on why you are there in the first place or what you're trying to accomplish during the moment you're recording.
Ask the what, when, where, why, then the how.
You'll be surprised how many topics you can come up with.
As a bonus tip, create an outline the night before you vlog. If it's a planned vlog, then nothing beats having a mini-outline of points to mention during your vlog.
So, there you have it. Hope I was able to help you in some way. Be sure to subscribe for more tips.
Good luck with your next vlog.