What to say when you call a client to 'Keep In Touch"? - Plus 3 quick practical tips

What to say when you call a client to 'Keep In Touch" - Plus 3 quick practical tips

There's still a couple of places left if you have been thinking about talking to me to find out if I'd be a good fit as your mentor. More on this below where you will also find 3 more quick practical ideas to help you succeed, plus what to say when you call a client to 'Keep In Touch". This is a follow up to last week's blog post.

Finally, this week's fun item is a topical one (or was last weekend anyway) as it is a true story celebrating the tax on fireworks!



3 practical tips I shared recently in 1-2-1 sessions

What do you think my clients said that prompted me to give this advice?

  1. Look after yourself:?Ensure you make plenty of time for your health, fitness and family. It's pointless if your business survives and you don’t!
  2. Plan your work schedule in advance:?Ideally you can do this every Friday for the week ahead but the day before works as well. What are the top 3 things you MUST do/complete tomorrow?
  3. You are never 'just' an accountant:?We could blame the stereotyping on the classic comedy sketches from Monty Python and The Two Ronnies. But it is also because many people think that what accountants do is boring. This leads them to think that accountants must be boring. It's not true of course. Showing you have some personality and are NOT a boring person is key - however you choose to introduce yourself.

1-2-1 strategic and practical advice for you and your practice

Do you have a favourite sport - whether it's one you play or watch?

I know I'm pretty odd as I have little interest in sport. But I do know that top sportspeople all have coaches. Few would have made it to the top without such support.

The average age of the sole-practitioner accountants I have mentored is over 50. But, like all averages, this hides the fact that my youngest client is 25 and the oldest is 78!

Typically it all starts because they have somenthing specific on which they want my advice and perspective. Sometimes they are clear as to what this is. Other times, it becomes apparent when we first speak.

Invariably my clients all seem to appreciate the years and breadth of my experience, my general credibility and my straightforward, direct and fun approach.

And they often end our calls by saying how valuable it has been.

More specifically they typically find that by taking my advice they secure more of the referrals and business they want, they waste less time on pipe-dreams and they generate more fees.


I currently have space for just two new 1-2-1 mentoring clients.

If this sounds like something that that would be of benefit to you, do message me so that we can book a time for a phone or zoom exploratory meeting - without any obligation.

Book a call >>>

Expert tax support for your clients

Next time you need tax support - for a one-off situation or to find someone to refer your heavyweight tax issues on a regular basis, just go to FindATaxAdviser.online.

The advisers are all members of the Tax Advice Network, which I Chair.

There's never any charge for you to use the quick, easy and free online search facility to find the right tax adviser by expertise and location whatever your client's tax problem, question or challenge.

FindATaxAdviser.online >>>

What to say when you call a client to ‘Keep In Touch”

This post follows on from last week's in which I set out the 12 ways in which you can Keep In Touch with clients and why it is so important to do so.

As I explained in that post, this demands personalised 1-2-1 contact. It is very different to simply following up with new contacts. It is also quite distinct from sending the same standard broadcast message to groups of people.

This follow up post is intended to help you if you want to Keep In Touch (KIT) but are hesitant to pick up the phone.

When my clients mention this during our mentoring discussions, they typically reference the same sort of reasons. These are the most common – do you recognise any of them?

– Who shall I call first?

– It’s a while since we last spoke, will he/she remember me?

– They might be too busy to speak to me now.

– They might not want to speak to me at all.

– I can’t think of a good solid reason to call, beyond ‘How are you?’

As I explain to my clients, whenever you have a genuine business related “reason to call”, I’ll bet that a lot of these concerns simply evaporate.

One very good discipline is to set yourself a target of say ten KIT (Keep In Touch) calls a week – that’s just 2 a day. Then count down how many you have left to make. That way the total/target keeps getting smaller and this can help your motivation.

If you can’t think of any genuine reasons yourself let me provide you with some and hope that a least one or two will work for you...


In this week's blog post you'll find a dozen natural openers for your KIT calls plus some related advice.

Read more >>>

Fun time - The tax on fireworks - a true story

60 years ago fireworks were added to the list of goods chargeable with Purchase Tax.

Hansard records an odd debate that took place on 12 February 1962 concerning the extent of the charge.

The new Purchase Tax order paper stated that the Tax (a precursor to VAT) was to be charged at 25% on fireworks of all kinds sold over the retail counter for 5th November celebrations and also those used in firework displays.

Previously it was only charged on indoor fireworks which were considered to be "a variety of toy." The mind boggles!

As a result of a question raised in the House, the Government had to make it clear that the tax would not apply to those fireworks that were made for either military or marine purposes.

Thus there was to be no purchase tax on signal rockets, on "Very lights", on bird scarers used by fruit farmers or on "other commercial articles of that kind". Seems sensible of course. But tax is never simple.

You'll find the remainder of this post on the?Accounting Fun blog here >>>. It contains some of the astonishing questions asked in the House about this issue and a topical closing comment!

Let's have a chat...

Let's have a chat if any of the above more serious topics resonated with you. I love supporting and encouraging accountants, tax advisers and solicitors who want to secure more referrals, reach and results.

You can take your chances here now: 07769 692890

or book a call at a time that suits us both:?www.calendly.com/bookmarklee

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Mark Lee FCA??provides strategic insights, advice, talks and mentoring to accountants, solicitors and tax advisers who want to improve their reach, referrals and results. He is also Chairman of the??Tax Advice Network, the UK’s largest network of independent tax advisers.

Mark has long been a popular speaker for UK accountants both on stage and online. Informed, entertaining and commercial he also debunks hype and misconceptions so saving accountants' time, money and angst.

Earlier in his career he was a partner in two top firms. He has a number of voluntary roles and is a long time member of The Magic Circle.




