Richard Mateo
Business Consultant-Sales Trainer-HR Director-Recruiter-General Manager-Life Coach
A better question can easily be what isn't it.We are ALL in sales from the minute we are born and perhaps even before that event.I really believe that I can and may write a full book on that topic.The concept of sales has been reduced enough to be totally distorted as just convincing some to accept a philosophical ideology or purchase some item.Actually the list goes on and on.I believe that we can condense the realm of "sales" with one of many great quote from Maya Angelou. "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel".That is the essence of sales. Sales as I have mentioned in the past, is life itself. Christ,Buddha,Mohamad,Confucius,Gandhi,King and the list goes on, were also master salesmen.They sold the process by which to attain the security that as beings of this planet we so desperately seek.I really am eager to get started on my book on this vital topic.When a trainee states to me that they are not good at "sales",I can safely anticipate their struggles.