What is Sagely?

What is Sagely?

The world isn’t just changing, it’s already changed.?

Modern learning is different from traditional learning. Historically, knowledge was captured and stored inside rows upon rows of leather-bound books, guarded by marble-columned institutions. Institutional gatekeepers in academia determined what, when, and how you can access that learning and charged an exorbitant amount for the privilege.?

Historically, employers dictated career growth, and their incentives were focused on wringing out every last drop of productivity from employees to increase their bottom line. Organizational hierarchies have been built from the perspective of leaders with fundamental misunderstandings of who their employees are and what they need.

And modern learners are different too. Before the Internet, people learned and communicated in more structured ways. People preferred talking in person and tended to think more linearly logically, learning via sequenced instruction (think manuals). People were traditionally more singular in their content consumption and their preferred mediums (newspapers/news programs) and were less attuned to multi-tasking.

The Internet changed all of that. Information is democratized. You can learn what you want, when you want, where you want from whatever medium you want on whatever device you have with you.?

The world’s knowledge has been liberated.?

The Internet changed learners in the same way it changed learning. Modern learners are primarily digital natives (people who grew up with the internet). These are people whose mental models look significantly different than the digital immigrants who still guard access to learning in academia or at enterprises. We know the modern learner wants to participate in their learning in terms of networks and communities. The modern learner has less patience for hierarchies. They are more comfortable with rapid task-switching and enjoy learning numerous things at once. They are intuitive learners and enjoy consuming content from various mediums.?

So what’s the problem?

Modern learners now have access to an overabundance of information all the time. The Internet provides opportunities for knowledge growth never before seen. However, this leaves people overwhelmed and struggling with their own learning journeys. Our research has identified three core problems:

  • Organization: We come across good ideas and content all the time, but we ‘save-it-for-later’ in a dozen places and don’t know what tab, note, or sticky we put it on
  • Curation: We are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of content across the Internet. We don't know what is quality, what is necessary, or where to even start.
  • Engagement: Our actual engagement with learning remains the same or has gotten worse. All those tabs, notes, and stickies remain there and we never actually get to them?

Sagely’s vision is to be the world’s most trusted guide to personal and professional growth.?

From our app to our expert Sages, we want to help you feel less overwhelmed, build better habits, and find the path that is best for you. One that evolves with you over time.?

Nobody can keep up with the pace of change, let Sagely do it for you.?

We are currently building the Sagely app. To get updates on our progress or connect with our Sages, click here.



