What Safety Services do Insurance Brokers Offer?

What Safety Services do Insurance Brokers Offer?

In researching this question, findings indicate that there is no industry standard on services offered by brokers. Some rely solely on carrier loss control services, while others have their own safety professional on-site to assist the client with the implementation of safety and health programs.

In a study conducted by the National Safety Council entitled, “Preparing the Business Case for Investment in Safety,” the following research was cited:

  • Each prevented lost-time injury or illness saves $37,000 (Injury Facts, 2013 Edition. National Safety Council, Itasca, IL)
  • Over 60% of CFOs reported that each dollar invested in injury prevention returned two dollars or more. (Liberty Mutual Chief Financial Officer Survey (2005). Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Boston, MA)

The National Safety Council’s study recommends focusing on the following pillars: leadership and employee engagement, safety management systems, risk reductions and performance measurement. Additionally, when selecting from brokers that offer safety services (i.e., safety policies, return-to-work programs, training and communications), challenge them to demonstrate value in each of these areas.

At TrueNorth, we take pride in providing an extensive risk and safety assessment that is built to address our client’s unique needs. Throughout the process, we work closely with organizations to construct a roadmap that will engage employees, properly manage safety and health programs, implement risk-reduction technologies and measure the organization’s overall safety performance. 


