What is the root cause of the degradation of the Indian subcontinent and the importance of inter-disciplinary education?

What is the root cause of the degradation of the Indian subcontinent and the importance of inter-disciplinary education?

Throughout my travels in India, I saw the people's plight and helplessness. I attended college in the National Capital Region (NCR), then moved to Bengaluru, Karnataka, after traveling through northern and western India. In between these years, I traveled to the UAE, Oman, and Saudi Arabia as well.

The living conditions in rural areas of northern India astounded me. The plight of marginalized people, their underdeveloped livelihoods, and, of course, the underprivileged guys. This is a major issue in India, where the masculine gender is often overlooked. The urban Naxalites and pro-feminists are unable to comprehend the reality of this land; nonetheless, they do advocate for privileges and rights when it suits them.

We need to figure out why rapes, molestations, and other crimes are more common in states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, and Haryana. Is it overpopulation, cultural deterioration, or illiteracy that is causing the problems?

We will gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation by studying the cultural history of the Indian subcontinent, from African tribal immigration through British colonization in the nineteenth century. What went so wrong in our country?

Ancient Wisdom Centers

Following the demolition of the subcontinent's university system by Islamic fundamentalists, the intellectual capacity of the inhabitants fell below average in every regard. As Oxford University was taking its first steps in 1096, Nalanda University and Vikramshila University were at their peaks, attracting students from all over the world and enhancing India's reputation as a knowledge hub. India also had the illustrious Takshashila University, which educated students from all over the world.

Which were the top ancient Indian universities?

  • Nalanda University
  • Taxila University
  • Vikramshila University
  • Odantapuri University
  • Jagaddala University
  • Valabhi University
  • Kanthalloor Shala
  • Kashmir Smast
  • Sharada Peeth
  • Pushpagiri Vihara
  • Somapura Mahavihara
  • Bikrampur Vihara

The destruction of ancient knowledge centers resulted in a lack of intelligent people in society, with population IQ levels falling to below average levels.

Why is average IQ important here?

When it comes to countries with the highest IQ, Europeans and East Asians top the list. The development of universities in Europe, driven by the Catholic Church in the 10th century AD, with the earliest being the University of Bologna, an Italian jurist university, cleared the way for a rapid rise in human intelligence among European populations. Colder weather, the adoption of a nutritious food system, cultural practices, physical training, and parenting methods all have an impact on an individual's IQ score. Those living in colder temperatures, mountainous terrain, and multi-cultural surroundings are found to be more intelligent than other populations.

Researchers have stated that people in impoverished countries have lower IQs because their bodies shift resources from brainpower to combating sickness. Generally, in hot nations plagued by lethal illnesses, the emphasis is on survival, and populations have evolved to build stronger immune systems rather than intelligence.

Illness depletes the body's energy, and the brain requires a lot of energy to build. You can't accomplish anything correctly if you don't have enough. ' If we are correct, the result will be that a nation's Intelligence will remain essentially unaltered until sickness is eliminated.'

Oldest European Universities:

  • University of Bologna
  • University of Oxford
  • University of Salamanca
  • University of Paris
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Padua
  • University of Naples Federico II
  • University of Siena
  • University of Coimbra
  • Al-Azhar University

Until the 18th century, the East Asians (Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and Mongolians) were tribal groupings. The first Chinese university was built in 1895 by the Guangxu Emperors, and comparable higher education institutes fueled the spread of knowledge in the region, making them brighter and more knowledgeable than their South Asian counterparts. The top 100 colleges in the world will undoubtedly include Chinese, Japanese, and Korean institutions today.

We are still using the school system provided by the British Empire and European missionaries in the nineteenth century. It's out of date, not research-focused, and entirely theoretical. This is the primary reason why Indian universities do not rank highly in global university rankings.

How does a lower IQ impact Social Development?

When a huge population/society has a lower intelligence level, they prefer short-term answers to long-term, well-researched solutions. I've seen that people in Northern India and other Indian states prefer to patch things up, referring to it as "Jugad," or a quick solution to difficulties. The cultural practice of "Jugaad" involves essentially not solving any problems, but rather allowing them to reoccur and cause additional suffering.

Why do Indians believe Jugaad is smarter than research, problem solving, and critical thinking? As I indicated in the beginning, there are numerous historical explanations for this difficulty.

As a result of Jugaad in everything, society is messed up, and it will take a monumental effort to fix it. You will notice this in the Indian way of life.

  • They throw garbage on the road and expect someone else to pick it up.
  • Fixing vehicles with short-term remedies, results in new problems.
  • Recharge mobile phones, TVs, and other services on a monthly rather than yearly basis.
  • Absence of discussion, with physical fights used to settle issues.
  • Instead of establishing water tanks and reservoirs, rural residents continue to rely on large baltis.
  • Instead of redesigning existing highways and railway lines, construct new ones.
  • Snacks and sweets are preferred over nutritious and healthy foods.
  • Trusting religious gurus to solve problems rather than a doctor or science.
  • Bribery methods to expedite tasks.
  • Rather than reforming the political system and ideals, many seek regime change.
  • Instead of improving work culture and financial planning, corporations terminate staff on an annual basis.

- The list shall go on.

What’s the real solution to this?

As we comprehend the sequence of social and evolutionary changes, our aim is to raise the average IQ of every Indian citizen. It would be a huge transformation in society if we could boost the average by at least 5 points (from 76.2 to above 80).

This is only possible if we overhaul our school and university education systems. A total overhaul is necessary immediately. If Indians are unable to establish their own superior interdisciplinary educational system, they should at least attempt to mimic the western education of top universities and institutions. Copying is a learning process. East Asians assimilated Western values, capitalism, and educational systems in some way.

Their prosperity is now greater than ours, yet we cannot compare China to India in any way.


