What role are you playing in your relationship? His QUEEN or his MOTHER?

What role are you playing in your relationship? His QUEEN or his MOTHER?

Single women come to me asking how to get a man and keep him.  They have been through many relationships that only last a little while and fizz out.  They don't know what they are doing wrong.  They do EVERYTHING for him to keep him. The relationship starts out a passionate connection.  It moves fast.  They let him move into their home and play house for a while and then...he starts staying out with 'the boys" more.  He stops paying attention to her.  It begins to feel like an old, bitter relationship.

What happened?  How did they get to this point?  Let's start at the beginning and break it down piece by piece and tell you what is REALLY going on with him.....and YOU when this keeps happening.

Before I start, I just have to comment on something I read this morning.  Some other relationship coaches were disagreeing with an old approach to dating today.  They felt that using "feminine" and "masculine" should not be used anymore.  If you are not open to this approach...you can stop reading.  I use this approach because it actually worked with my coach, and my marriage.  The significant changes that happened and my passion to help others is the reason I am a powerful, intuitive woman and relationship coach.  My observation is...with the divorce rate as it is and using the "new" approach is not working well.   So, here we go!

There are many things that are happening through out the dating process that can lead to fizz out and a bad relationship experience.  I will use some examples that I have seen with clients.

1) Just because you like a man does not mean you should pursue him.

We all have been attracted to a man.  it is a natural, instinctive thing to want to be with an eye pleasing mate for procreation.  It is in imprinted in our brain to do that.  We are in a liberal country where woman take lead roles and that has changed the dynamic of dating and relationships. 

I believe, teach, and live old school techniques when it comes to dating with the intention of a long term relationships that lead to marriage.  It might happen for a few women to make the first move.  I won't say that it hasn't or won't happen.  Overall, when a woman pursues a man, that is not a great foundation or the right vibration to build a lasting relationship.  A man must chase.  I woman must be chased.  PERIOD.  When it is not in that order, it doesn't usually go well.

2) When you are in the pursuing position, you are changing the vibration that builds the foundation of the relationship.


A relationship is built on three things: friendship, foreplay, and fun.  This is a great foundation for a long term relationship.  Friendship is at the bottom because the other two can come and go within the relationship.  The friendship will always leave you open to growing the levels of fun and foreplay. 

3)  If you haven't actually gone on a date, a friendship doesn't truly form..... how can you skip to relationship?

When you skip dating, you don't build a proper foundation.  Think of your closest friend.  You can get mad at them, fight, call them in the middle of the night to discuss a problem.  There is no limit to what you will ask of each other.  When you get into a fight, do you make up?  You always manage to repair the relationship, right?  Keeping that friendship in tact is more important than a silly fight, right?

  That is the same foundation you need to have in order to have a successful long term relationship and marriage.  We want to see a relationship in a different light for some reason, and we just shouldn't! A marriage is a friendship on fire. There will be fights, challenges, and heartbreak throughout your relationship.  It is the foundation built with friendship that will allow you to overcome anything that comes your way.

  Moving in together after a short period of time has not let you see the "crust" of the person which will come out once you move in and will turn bitter.

So, to skip the process of the proper foundation is heading for a bitter end.  You want to be in love so bad that the hint of connection leads you to jump into bed....commit to quickly....move in together.  All connection is not long term relationship connection.  Allowing a man to get to know you over time is always a good idea.

When you meet a guy and you skip a dating stage and start acting like a couple, you have not gotten past the "representative"  


4) A man should want to be better when he is around you.  You should not be trying to "make" him into a man.

I see it all the time.  A woman is doing well.  Whether going to school or already having a great job. They meet this man that doesn't have it all together and try to bring him up to her level.  She lets him move in with her, gives him money, caters to him in every way.  No, think about this for a second.  What women in a man's life will ALWAYS do those things for him?  HIS MOTHER!! 

We want to say it is a new day.  Women are independent and can do what we want.  I'm all for that.  But, when you are doing all this stuff for a man, he is your child, not your mate.  You should just claim him as a dependent on your tax return.  The problem with doing these type of things in the beginning of a relationship is that you have put in his mind that he can depend on the door mat you have laid out for him. You should have your man's back, of course.  First, you need to establish that he, in fact is a man, let alone YOUR MAN !! Your "man" would not want to ask these things if you if he saw you as a Queen vibration, darling.  Having his back is not kissing his ass and bailing him out of shit!! 

He should want to be better.  He should want to do better being in your presence.  Know your worth.  Walk in your feminine power.  Because when you know your worth, you automatically walk in your feminine power.  You are in a Queen vibration and that will attract a King vibration.  You will not feel the need to accept anything but your value.


Do you feel like you could use some advise, or do you wish someone had the answers...   Let's talk about where you are and where you want be in your relationship journey.  Schedule your FREE clarity session with me TODAY!  I am honored to be able to support you!! 

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