What role Robotic Process Automation (RPA) plays in our day to day life?

What role Robotic Process Automation (RPA) plays in our day to day life?

What comes to your mind when you first hear about robotics automation being introduced in real life? Still feel like we’re watching them in some movie? But this time the movie scene is going to be true, and Robots will be transforming the industries in real life.

? RPA, what exactly is it?

A robot is becoming a part of our lives globally and Robots are the machines made by the human that resemble animals, or sometimes, even man. Scientists prefer taking inspiration from the natural world when it comes to robotic designs. The saying makes sense: if you want a robot to behave organically, then mother nature is the best place to look for inspiration.

Robotic process automation (RPA) is already bringing an incredible transformation in the operations of industries on a day-to-day basis. This technology is helping the companies to execute various business activities quickly and accurately at reduced costs with less need for human involvement in lesser time than ever before. It has been suggested by some technology analysts that RPA has the potential to eventually replace the human workforce. Must you be wondering that is it really possible? Can RPA software robots really take place of a human in the workplace? Will they be performing the jobs that humans do in the office?

So, this is not true. These “robots” are no doubt coming, but they are not being introduced to steal jobs from human or replace them from the offices. Experts say that it is impossible to replace the human employees with the robots. They also say that RPA is just to contribute to the job reallocation and job creation etc.

Below are the reasons what role RPA plays in a day-to-day life:

? Help to the workforce

The first thing that must be coming to your mind after here about implementation on Robotics automation must be the fear of your jobs, isn’t it? And that’s quite normal as a human. Who is not scared of losing their job? But to make it clear to all of you, RPA is not been implanted to steal your job but for a helping hand at your workplace to make your work much easier. Industries, after dealing with RPA says that it is a threat to the workforce it is a complementary workforce which helps in completion of work a lot faster than usual.

? Dealing with complex reports

As we all are aware our data sources and analytic capabilities have grown very much, so too has the time required to build various reports. We know that sometimes while working with the clients, building a report take hours. The process includes ingesting data from multiple XML, PDF and Excel sheets (across different shared folders) followed up by complex Excel macros and formatting.

RPA is being bought for these types of complex reports it has the capability to increase reporting granularity and frequency. Imagine a report that took hours to build can now be built in 15 minutes and the work is done. RPA can be transformative and informative for advanced report generation.

? Empowering of people

Yes, you just heard it right. RPA, through it automation of human tasks frees you and your employees from the most difficult parts of their day-to-day work. Every human is prone to mistake, whether accidental, unintentional (you meant to enter $1329.99, not $13,299.90) or created by some of our real-life issues which sometimes affect our work and we’re not aware of it.

When your workers show up tired from work, sick or their girlfriend or boyfriend dumped them, family problems the chances of making an error is more and letting them doing Purchase Order data in this condition can be harmful. RPA can do these issues and others and make sure your employees are working on things their best suited to do and where they are supposed to do.

? Migration of software

All those working in industries are aware that software migrations are time-consuming and costly. Migrating to a new ERP, or EMR not only take years but also cost 10-11 millions of dollars. What irritates more is that at times, certain features and functionality which may have functioned a particular way in a previous software, may not even be present in updated versions and then the way in which you’ve planned your work is not possible to happen. Think of a business process where employees log paid time off (PTO) in HR Software A. HR Software B, while a more advanced comprehensive Software, doesn’t track PTO

The company must, therefore, has to maintain a small slice of Software A and manually, and multiplicatively pass data into Software B, which RPA is capable of doing

? Increase in job satisfaction

Humans are not destined to do repetitive, boring tasks. Do you remember “Modern Times” a 1936 comedy film in which Charlie Chaplin, after working in a factory, couldn’t stop doing the same automated gestures he did for his work? As humans, we are designed great stuff. We are creative and we’re capable of amazing things. This is the situation in which we can showcase our abilities, make real achievement and build the ultimate destiny of mankind. And sometimes simply enjoy while working.

After knowing what is RPA and how it’ll work in our day to day life, we should thank RPA that there will be no more awful Mondays (but awesome ones) and no more eagerness waiting for weekends, as the whole week will become an amazing one, fulfilling time.

It looks like robotics is the factor that will free us from tasks that can be done by smart software so that we can enjoy our lives more; or even to the full.

Also Read - Future of RPA and Cognitive Automation





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