What role do antiscalant chemicals play in water treatment?

What role do antiscalant chemicals play in water treatment?

A series of processes take place within a water treatment plant to get water to a point where it is either potable or safe to return to the environment. There are numerous steps in these processes, but today we'll focus on Antiscalant compounds and their significance in the process.

Antiscalant chemicals are used as a pre-treatment water additive for reverse osmosis (RO) system that is highly effective in preventing the membranes from scaling and can extend the time between cleaning the membranes from months to even years.

Scale can build up within the pipes and membrane filters, where the process is to remove minerals, particles and more from the treated water that is passing through. It's important to put preventative measures in place to stop this build-up affecting the overall production.

By injecting the antiscalant the delay allows the water to pass through the membrane before any chemical reaction, in which scale can occur. Injecting too much antiscalant can also have a negative effect that causes blockages. But by having a proper and effective application, you can ensure the overall plant can run smoothly and do its job efficiently.

Polymaster's team can assist with the development of a high-quality process to ensure that your facility runs smoothly while treating water throughout the process. With a variety of Self-Bundled,?Process Tank and dosing systems available we can help you achieve your goals.

You can also check out one of our latest videos on our Self-Bunded Tanks

Want to know more? You can talk to our team on 1300 062 064.

