What is the right timing for Career Decision and Planning?
Dear 2nd Year Engineering Student Friends
Pandemic has delayed important life decisions from a career perspective. This is not a positive move. We are shortly inviting 2021, which leaves you only *1.5 years’ time for your career planning and preparation*.
After discussing with many Students, Educators, Recruiters, Industry Experts, *2nd Year is the right time for fixing your career plan*. Hear this argument.
*First Year Decision:* if you take any career decision in the First Year, it is called as *Patriotic Decision* as the decision carries a lot of emotions.
*Third Year Decisions:* if you take any career decision in the Third Year, it is called as *Pricking Decision* as you have less time to plan and prepare.
*Fourth Year Decisions:* if you take any career decision in the Fourth Year, it is called as *Paralytic Decision* as you have no time to plan and prepare.
*Second Year Decisions:* if you take any career decision in the Second Year, it is called as *Punching Decision* as you have sufficient time to plan and prepare.
Hope you understand which year is best?
Now you might ask, what are the career options you have. Industry 4.0 is threatening traditional job systems, skills, and educational needs. Perfect planning is highly critical. By the time you come out of Campus, the campus selection process is going to be completely changed.
*Cutthroat Competition for Coding* jobs as NEP allowed a lot of Online BSc Programs (e.g. IIT Madras Online B.Sc.Degree) (Democratization of Software Recruitments- Leetcode, TCS CodeVita, HackwithInfy, Hackerrank, HackerEarth, Code Chef, Code Force, TopCodr, CodinGame, AtCoder, Google Code Jam, Facebook hackercup, AtCoder, Coderbyte, Project Euler, etc.),
*Heavy competition for Civil Services, GATE, CAT* anybody can access the best Online Coaching (e.g. UNACADEMY, BYJOO, etc.). Now you don’t go to Delhi for Civils, Hyderabad for GATE, Bangalore for CAT, etc.
Career Planning is like a Chess Game. Look at the following chess move. It is considered to be the best move in Chess. You must plan like that move.
Your natural abilities and available opportunities should match for greater impact. Look at a few career options and qualities needed
1. *Competitive Coding*: if you are good at mathematical ability. Logical Reasoning & Aptitude, Python / C++ Programming, Data Structures and tons of patience, please go with this option
2. *Full Stack Development*: if you are interested in both backend and frontend development, want to involve in end-to-end application development, please go with this option. You also need reasonable aptitude, Good Communication Skills and mathematical ability.
3. *GATE*: If you are interested in Higher Education, want to develop deep subject knowledge, tons of energy to develop that knowledge, please go with this option
4. *GRE*: If you are interested in Higher Education, have financial leverage, reasonable command over English, want to get exposed to other cultures, willing to work outside the country, please go with this option
5. *Core Job*: If you are interested to work outside Software but in your core engineering domain (e.g. mechanical, Civil, EEE, ECE (IOT/Communications, VLSI), Chemical etc.), please apply for an Internship in such companies, learn good subject, win the heart so that you can be placed directly with B.Tech.
6. *CAT*: If you have a great amount of quantitative aptitude, mathematical ability, good English communication skills, team management skills, mental ability, please go with this option
7. *Civil Services*: If you have the interest to solve societal problems, breadth & depth of General Awareness, tons and tons of patience (even ready for 5 years of preparation), please go with this option.
8. *Startup/Family Business*: If you are a risk-taker, want to be on your own, ideas for life, ability to convince and form teams, please go with this option
Think Big
If you need any mentoring or career planning advice, please don't hesitate to reach me out at [email protected]
Your Well-Wisher
Ravi Saripalle