What is a Responsive Design?
Responsive web design is an entrance to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide a most favorable viewing and interaction experience across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to any mobile devices; Reference: Wikipedia ) In simple words, Responsive web design means a design that adapts to its environment.
The popularity of the use of different sizes of devices is increasing ever since. The use of mobile devices to browse the internet accounts the half of the total users all over the globe. Increasing mobile users have made it compulsory to design websites that completely fit these different sizes, which is highly tedious. Hence, the development should be done in such a way, that the website should fit big or small any screen with minimal differences and alterations.
Responsiveness is the strength to read and navigate with ease provided minimum re-sizing, less scroll and minimum panning. Now the question is, HOW to do this with minimum efforts while making the design pixel perfect?
Responsive website design uses fluid to adapt to the container along with that it uses, proportionate grids, flexible images and CSS3 media queries.
The fluid or liquid concept use percentage instead of pixels that is otherwise used in fixed concepts. The leverage is that you do not have to think about the device size; setting a percentage view will make it fit perfectly, the design will adapt to the size of the device on its own...read more