What is the relation between soul and aura

What is the relation between soul and aura

Soul = Atma, the divine spark within, the divine element that wear the garb of a human…or an animal. Aura = An aura or human energy field is, according to New Age beliefs, a colored emanation said to enclose a human body or any animal or object. In some esoteric positions, the aura is described as a subtle body. Psychics and holistic medicine practitioners often claim to have the ability to see the size, color and type of vibration of an aura. In spiritual alternative medicine, the human being aura is seen as part of a hidden anatomy that reflects the state of being and health of a client, often understood to even comprise centers of vital force called chakras.

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Aura depends on the level of consciousness manifested in an individual. Consciousness is a form of the formless mind. Changeable expressions gives different aura- colors, Love- Blue, Golden yellow-Aishwarya, Violet-auspiciousness, white- wisdom etc. Pure Soul can manifest only in the complete elimination of mind and its grip, which is not possible within the God’s domain of three worlds, it will when the Soul is liberated from the formless mind and enters the 4th eternal world- Amarlok (BG8.21), Its true Home. The Soul is in eternal bliss and has the self luminous white light equivalent to 16 suns, says Sant Kabir..

Soul is divine energy; it is the life that is within us. Your soul and my soul is not different - it is the same energy, just like the energy in your house that gives power to the lights and air conditioners and machines. Aura is very individualistic - each of us have an aura and that is to do with our body-mind complex, with our emotions, with our thoughts, the aura and the soul don't seem to have a direct connection. The soul is a universal power that gives life to all beings.

An aura is a faint emanation from the body that can be seen by sensitive people and quite distinctly by clairvoyants. It is normally depicted as a halo around the head of saints in pictures or paintings. Many of us may be surprised to know that every human being, whether a tyrant or a saint, has an aura. Animals have aura, and even trees and plants have auras too. We all - every living being - have not only a biological body or physical body, but a subtle body too. This is the astral body. The astral body is a body for all our emotions and feelings. It’s a body of flowing lights (how else can au describe it?) and non physical in its constitution.

This body interpenetrates into our physical body. Clairvoyants say that the astral body has changing or flashing colours, where the colours characterise our emotions. Hence emotional purity can be judged by trained clairvoyants from the colours of the astral body. The aura is an emanation from the astral body. This aura can be large for spiritually developed people. Those who are spiritually less developed have an aura too. But it does not spread out much beyond the physical body, and it isn’t as distinct as the aura of a developed person. Even animals and plants have auras, but they are limited to within the periphery of their physical bodies and not seen as an external halo.

Both terms are used in more or less the same sense. The history of the SOUL is interesting. The idea of a soul as separate from the body was a pagan one taught by the Greek philosophers. In the Torah, in Genesis Yahweh creates Adam from the earth and breathes life into him. So the individual is a combination of matter and respiration. In Hebrew there are three words used for this:–

nefesh = soul, mind, psyche, person, spirit, life

rua? = wind, spirit, breeze, soul.

neshama = soul, spirit, mind, life, psyche

Nowhere in the Torah was there any sense of a person being other than a physical body animated by breath and whose life was the blood. When people died they simply went into the grave (Sheol) - there was also little concept of an eternal after-life - the dead simply step for eternity in their graves. Later a theory of resurrection of the dead, judgement and a renewed eternal life on earth was formulated and propagated - all the while, the soul was thought to be inseparable from the body.

During the Babylonian exile - 598/7 and 587/6 BCE. They came into contact with, and absorbed Zoroastrian beliefs and during the Hellenistic period (Hellenistic Judaism - Wikipedia) further modification developed in Judaism and many Greek philosophical ideas were incorporated - the soul and an after-life with them. The “soul-concept” was then adopted by Christian and Muslims from the Greek sources - but in all three monotheisms the teachings on the soul are vague, contradictory and linked to the physical body.

In the orient a distinct separation is assumed between the spiritual element of an individual and their physical bodies. The spiritual factor being the SELF which possesses a body and uses it as an instrument of experience and abandons it once it passes its use-by-date. The basic rational for this used by the Indian philosophers is the difference between subject and object - the two can never be the same. The Self as subject, perceives the body as an object and an instrument and therefore they must be categorically different.

So from the earliest Upanishads the separation of Self (ātma) and Mind-body (?arīra) is assumed and emphasised throughout the later literature. The Self pre-exists the body and post-exists - transferring to another in the process of transmigration. So this is why “soul” and “spirit” are occidental synonyms and do not accurately convey the oriental metaphysical concept of āTMAN. According to Akhand Sutra, the indwelling human Soul called Antaratma is surrounded by an outer Aura in the form of orbits. The Aura is called the causal body (Karana Sarira) and it stores the imprints of the ideas, thoughts, missions, visions, objectives, actions, and accomplishments of the previous births of the Soul (Atma-Spirit-Kundalini-Prana-Ruh).

The contents of the causal body are responsible for the subsequent reincarnations. Now, let us comprehend the real science of the Soul and the causal body. According to Akhand Sutra, the indwelling human Soul (Antaratma) is created from the union of hydrogen atoms, the smallest atoms of Nature, in the core of the Sun. The nuclear reaction within the Sun leads to the formation of the first inert matter, Helium. The human Soul is made of the inert matter, Helium. As a result, the human soul cannot be cut, burnt, dissolved, and destroyed.

This fact proves the ancient Indian description of Atma. It is interesting to note that the mother and the daughter of Sun (Aditya) are called Aditi. Is this statement a mystery? The nuclear science has shown that the Hydrogen atoms are formed from the fission (division) of the Helium atoms and the Helium atoms are formed with the fusion (union-Yoga) of the Hydrogen atoms. The first Helium atoms are called Aditi, the mother of Aditya (Sun). The second Helium atoms are called Aditi, the daughter of Aditya. According to Akhand Sutra, Aditi, the daughter is called the human Soul. According to Aitreya Upanishad, the Soul enters the human body through the head.

According to Akhand Sutra, the Soul enters the growing fetus during the twenty-second week of gestation. The Soul helps develop the ideal physical body for spiritual evolution. According to Sat-Chakra-Nirupana, the Soul (Kundalini) sleeps in Muladhara Chakra, the lowest center of consciousness in the pelvis. The Soul rises to the higher centers of consciousness during the process of spiritual evolution. The Causal Body: The imprints of the ideas, thoughts, actions, and accomplishments are stored in layers around the Helium atoms. After death, the Soul starts the subsequent spiritual journey from the center of consciousness (Chakra) of the earlier life.

As a result, nothing is lost during the cycles of birth-death-rebirth. The spiritual journey becomes a continuous process. The Conclusion: The indwelling human Soul is made of the inert matter, Helium. The Helium has its Aura.The sum effect of the ideas, thoughts, actions, and accomplishments are added as layers around the core of the Soul. According to Akhand Sutra, if the indwelling human Soul is equipped with twenty-two layers of perfect knowledge of the Universal Consciousness, the person will automatically recognize almost all the hidden secrets of the universe and Nature. Cheers!

Tim Wascomb

Balance Getting Fit

2 年

Connecting energy points where you soul filters what's around you and how far it is allowed to enter

Muliadi Bongsu

Foreigner Document Services

3 年

thanks for sharing

Kalpesh Bheda

Solar EPC & Instoler Please Read #BhagavadGit Daily 10 Minute ??

3 年

Great ??

Mina N.

Instructor at Academia Language School at language School

3 年

Thanks for sharing


