What is the reason behind India’s Civilisation Crisis?
Mukundan P.R.
Sr. Coordinator, Santhigiri Social Research Institute at Santhigiri Ashram
Sanatana Dharma is the basis of Indian culture and society. Sanatana Dharma rests upon Manus and their system of evolution of life through Manvantara time cycles in which a soul goes through the experiences of many Akashic fields before ending the journey in Brahman, the substratum of consciousness. It is a system of spiritual evolution of individual souls from the state of an atom to its absolute potential presided over by a divinely ordained Trikala Gyani Guru (who knows the past, present, and future) with a divine eye to perceive the time cycles of Manu and who is also able to advise the dharma and karma evaluating the past, present, and future of the human race. In this journey of evolution, the Akashic field of Devatas or the angelic world is neither the limits nor the desired destination. Not only the Vaidika Dharma but all other world religions today have put a limit to the journey of evolution. They obstruct the soul’s journey to higher astral or Akashic fields because all of them are angelic in origin.
Here comes the significance of Yuga Dharma. Yuga Dharma means a pre-set process of evolution that has to happen through each Yuga. So the Yuga Dharma of Dwapara and Treta becomes obsolete in Kali Yuga. To understand Yuga Dharma one has to realize the scheme of spiritual evolution willed by God. The concept of time itself was required for the process of evolution to happen. Time is the synonym for evolution. The solar system with its nine Grihas, 27 Nakshatras, and 12 Raashi Mandalas is an ecosystem for the gradual evolution of life. Manvantara time order is put in place for this measured evolution. Kali Yuga is the age of transition to Satya Yuga, the perfect age of Supramental evolution. So there will be an explosion of knowledge in Kali Yuga. Everything will be knowledge-oriented. The souls have to attain a higher degree of perfection to be qualified for the transition to Satya Yuga.
The rituals of Treta and Dwapara yuga with a focus on Devatas and caste laws will not be helpful in this spiritual transition. The effort to reclaim India’s past spiritual glory cannot succeed without a fundamental shift in spiritual practices. The people have to evolve themselves from the high-low caste gradation and Devata-worship. They are fed with the mythology, rituals, and customs in the Puranas in the name of Vaidika Dharma or Hinduism. The essence of Hinduism lies in Sanatana Dharma, which is the science and process of evolution. But there is no effort to impart the knowledge and the noble spiritual culture of Sanatana Dharma honoring the principles of Yuga Dharma. Kali Yuga is an age of ascendance to Satya Yuga. Therefore, the rituals of Treta and Dwapara yuga become irrelevant and counter-productive because the people born in Kali Yuga are those who have already attained the deva stage through the spiritual processes of Treta and Dwapara yuga. Continuing with the old rituals means spiritual stagnation. Therefore, the right guidance from a spiritual authority in the Manu Parampara who has transcended at least the seventh Akashic dimension becomes necessary in Kali Yuga.