What it really means to be genuine
Joy Osaka-Lu
Scaling operations and culture sustainably with intentional business owners | Storied Artifacts | Operational fluency | Mindset and Solutions Strategist, Speaker, Author
Authenticity has less to do with the perception of others about you and everything to do with how you perceive yourself.
When you are ok with who you are on all levels (cognitive, mindset, beliefs, emotions, physical, and spiritually), all the external stuff is automatically taken care of.
Because it really doesn't matter what others think...those who are cohesive inside don't have it in them to do harm, throw landmines in others' paths.
It's a great way to stay focused and be real.
What's interesting is the amount of fear people have about letting go of pretenses and limitations from the sociology of uninformed consent about themselves.
It's not so much the fear of being seen as an uncouth jackass as much as it is a disbelief in how powerful they are beyond the limits of what they took for granted within the sociology of uninformed consent.
I've seen my clients bend time, hit a 5 year timeline within 2 weeks, create money in weird ways...
...and they can't believe it when I playback what they accomplished since our previous session.
Now, THAT's weird to me.
I can't believe it
There's a bit of catching up about who we are now and our embedded perceptions of who we used to be that causes this disbelief.
For instance, one way of looking at the enormous number of people pivoting in life is not because people are shifty or experiencing some kind of life crisis...
...but instead, the things we wanted before no longer resonate because the world has changed in such huge ways.
It wasn't for a lack of being genuine and authentic that has made us change but the opposite.
It wasn't our goals, it was the context they were envisioned in has shifted so dramatically.
Some have realized that they valued work and business more than life...and now, that's not the case.
An easy way to be authentic
With so much reconciliation between who we are now, the reality that we live in, and what we want that to look like, I see a lot of frantic flapping around.
Here's one tip to stay in balance, which in my definition is:
This is a way of doing something, not getting depleted as a result, and elevating yourself and your context, as well as the people in it.
If you do it any other way, you're overgiving, getting imbalanced...and opening the door for resentment to overtake you.
That's when people start faking authenticity.
No bueno.
And here's what I've found works best for me and my clients:
I think we're all done with the game-playing so here's one way to stay functional and in balance without having to fake it.
I get people to reset to their true north. Like a compass, only minor recalibrations are needed to shift from the prescribed magnetic north to your true one. It's all about where you stand in your Perspective | Purpose | Perception
Advocate...Gujarat Highcourt-SIENCE 1987...Ex. Municipal Corporator in Ahmedabad ( 1976-1993)...Ex.-Director -GIDC..(1990-1994 )-Ex. Member -Textile committee of India...President-IPLST_NGO-Social worker and Politician