What Really Matters Today?
Today I can say I am closer to passing the tests I have been attempting to pass for nearly half a decade. I have endured many set backs, many mistakes, many foolish choices and numerous actions that have resulted in ultimately my failure. Looking back over the last thirteen months since the last published article I wrote, I am not so sure that I adhered to the statements I proclaimed there that day.
Yes, another year has passed. I fear that most of it was wasted. I believe that perhaps I was asleep or in a daze-like-trance through most of it. I cast my thoughts across the past multitude of weeks and I wonder if I could have done better or applied myself more. I ask myself if there was room for more improvement in the moments of weakness or carelessness.
When I apply myself to projects or delve into situations that I am presented with in my personal or professional life, am I applying to them what I believe in my spiritual life? Are they not all one in the same? Does it not matter how I treat my neighbor; is it not supposed to be as myself? How about loving my brother as Christ loved me? What about that client that does not pay on time or answer emails or phone calls for months on end and then one day appears as if out of thin air and explains their whereabouts and their struggles? How am I to treat them when they owe thousands of dollars?
To be in business for myself and creating my own company is extraordinary when I take the time to sit back and take it all in. Those moments where realizing the number of my blessings are uncountable and beyond belief when I attempt to make a record of them. My blessings far outweigh my burdens.
I see more of myself and more of others than ever before, the good and the bad. Hopefully I can encourage myself more this year and be held back less. If only I could rise up enough to help just one man or one woman become who they were meant to be; to see someone become great because of my sacrifices for their sake. Oh how rewarding that would be to see someone live their dreams and find that niche they were meant for.
Maybe all this tempering and molding is good for something other than my own character. Maybe one day I will be great because of the greatness I helped others realize they had within themselves. Like the presented bonsai tree, sometimes masterpieces take incredible amounts of work to produce
A remarkable tree which is well known for its extremely high age; the tree is reported to be over 800 years old, one of the most expensive bonsai trees! Its owner, master Kobayashi, is one of the most well known Bonsai artists in the world and has won the prestigious Prime Minister award in Japan 4 times.
We all have greatness within ourselves. We are each a masterpiece in the making. Be patient the next time you fail or make a mistake, it takes a lifetime to finish your masterpiece. Keep working towards the goal and do not quit!