What really matters in the journey of life?

Answer: Our entire life experience, whether good or bad, is a direct result of the thoughts and beliefs we accept into our consciousness. "Only our thinking makes it so, and only our not thinking makes it not so". In other words, the only substance to our life experience is the thought or belief out of which our experience is formed. And the creative principle of thought reminds us that what we do not hold in consciousness does not externalize itself as our experience.

So, what really matters in our journey of life is that it is imperative that we discipline ourselves to have dominion, control, over our thoughts. Rather than reacting to the thoughts that come to us, we consciously choose the thoughts we want to think. Otherwise we are prisoners of our own mind, victims of our own thoughts and false beliefs. When we stop and think about each thought, we have conscious access to it and can either accept or reject it. Now we have dominion over our thoughts and our journey of life.

But this now leads us into what really matters in the journey of life. Having dominion over our thoughts gives us the freedom to evolve our way of thinking from the limited level of our human consciousness to that infinite level of spiritual consciousness. For now we have a pathway to that infinite divine creative intelligence that is beyond words and thoughts, that is aware of that Something that is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. In other words, the ultimate destiny of our journey is the consciousness of God Itself for it is there in the Presence that we learn to "seek ye first that inner kingdom of God that is within you, then goodness will follow", and that "I have come to give you the Life that really matters".


