What Really Matters?
Benjamin Masila, MBA
Digital Marketing| Writing & Editing |CV Writing| Leadership|PR & Marketing|Training
Have you ever felt like you’re being pulled in a thousand different directions, trying to juggle everything at once—work, relationships, personal goals—and somehow make it all fit?
We’ve all been there.
The more we try to do, the more things slip through our fingers.
But the truth is that we can't have it all. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
We live in a world that tells us we should aim to do everything, be everything, and solve every problem.
But deep down, we know that’s not possible.
The reality?
Life is about trade-offs.
When we finally accept that, we stop asking the exhausting question, “How can I make it all work?” and start asking a much more honest, and freeing, question: “Which problem do I want to solve?”
Take my own experience, for example. There was a time when I tried to balance every aspect of my life as if I could magically make 24 hours turn into 48.
I would tell myself, I can be at the top of my career, maintain perfect relationships, work out five times a week, and still have time to read all the books on my list.
But the truth?
Something had to give.
I was spread too thin to enjoy any of it.
It hit me one day that I was asking the wrong question.
Instead of frantically trying to make everything fit, I had to get real about the trade-offs I was willing to make.
Which problem did I want to solve?
Did I want to focus on advancing my career
Or did I want to prioritize my health
I had to choose.
And here’s the surprising thing: making those choices didn’t feel like a loss.
It felt like freedom. It was liberating to focus on solving the problems
Think about it.
We tend to glorify the idea of multitasking and “having it all,” but at what cost?
We trade our peace of mind
But balance isn’t about doing everything perfectly.
It’s about being honest about your priorities and understanding that every choice comes with a trade-off
It’s like that quote, “You can do anything, but not everything.”
So, the question is, what matters most to you right now?
What’s the one thing you’re willing to focus on that will make everything else easier or unnecessary?
Once you start asking this question, life simplifies.
You stop chasing after every shiny object, and you start making intentional decisions
Therefore, next time you catch yourself wondering how to make it all work, take a step back and ask: Which problem do I want to solve?
Which trade-offs am I willing to make so that I can focus on what truly matters?
Once you get clear on that, you’ll find that life feels a lot less overwhelming—and a lot more fulfilling.
Now, what will you choose?