What really is Material Design? Concise and simple explanation!
Everything has a design! From the simplest dot to the complex spaceship drawings. Design follows certain or random patterns, the best ones uses the simple pattern.
Since the advent of mobile applications, several designs have transmogrified, the Android version 4 we knew doesn’t look so good like the 8, neither does the iPhone 2 like 8. What has changed?
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Design langauge
is an overarching scheme or style that guides the design of a complement of products or architectural settings. Designers wishing to give their suite of products a unique but consistent look and feel define a design language for it, which can describe choices for design aspects such as materials, colour schemes, shapes, patterns, textures, or layouts. They then follow the scheme in the design of each object in the suite (Wikipedia).
Material Design
is a design language developed by Google in 2014, it makes more liberal use of grid-based layouts, responsive animations and transitions, padding, and depth effects such as lighting and shadows.
Connected tip: PepperColor guides you in making a better colour decision based on material design. Download now at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tobilvr.works.peppercolorapp
Material design colours
uses certain choices of colour and colour combination which is believed to be the recommended use of colour by design and colour experts.
When using red for example, the prominent shade should be #F44336, and a darker shade of #D32F2F.
Connected tip: PepperColor guides you in making a better colour decision based on material design. Download now at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tobilvr.works.peppercolorapp
Material design icons
When using icons for your mobile, web or graphic designs; some recommended icons are already created to limn your idea and intention. Icons are available at MaterialDesignIcon’s website.
Material design animation, transition and motion
When users touch, there ought to be a shift, bounce or movement depending on the intention. Also, a beautiful transition or morph from an initial object to another object or layout is quite important to limn intentions and improve the user experience. Material design animation and transitions handle this pretty well.
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Material design layouts and shades
In real life, layouts aren’t just plain, there is usually another object laying on it. Imagine a cup on a white table, you will notice shadows showing when a light is shone on it. The layout of any design is the base table, every other thing laying on it will have depths, widths, shadows, heights and space with other objects. The use of these parameters is handled when the Material design is applied.
Material content
Most times, we use certain words that not necessary and does not bring the anticipated action. The material design focuses on words that bring user actions, concise, short and simple.
While the above explanation of material design is simple it does not cover deep information, and utilising the language takes time to learn and adapt to, however easy to catch up with.
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