What (Really) Goes Into Marketing That Works..

What (Really) Goes Into Marketing That Works..

Have you ever thought that you don't have enough Money to Market your Products or Services?

Or you thought that How come the New Age Digital Marketing is Working to Few People's Success?

Have you burned your Money & Efforts & thought why this isn't working for Me??

I have the Answer..

It's because your haven't known the rules of game well..

Hence, the efforts have generated limited or no results...

Would you like to Master the Rules to Master the Game of Marketing??


Hi, this is Siddharth Bajaj & as an Enterpreneur & Marketer myself, would like to share the Secrets to have a Marketing Plan that brings you Desired Results..How??

Let's Begin..

  1. Understanding the Needs of the Customer: Marketing is a Science & it works on the simple premise to offer a product that is a solution to the customer's problem. 90% of the marketers first make the product & then try to market it. The right way is to Identify the Problem of the Customer & Create a Product around the same.
  2. Perfect Timing: It is about sending the Right Message, at the Right Time, to the Right Customer.
  3. Not a One Time Activity: It's not a one time Sale but making a Lifelong Relationship with the Customer. The old customer is a low hanging fruit & should be cared & maintained for years to come to generate sales organically. Acquiring a new customer can?cost five times more than retaining an existing customer. Increasing customer retention by 5% can increase profits from 25-95%. The success rate of selling to a customer you already have is 60-70%, while the success rate of selling to a new customer is 5-20%.
  4. Perception & The Right Fit: Marketing is all about creating a Brand Value & a position in the minds of the customers. Once that brand equity is made, Sales happen automatically. For Eg:- Apple Company & their Flagship Products.
  5. Product has to be Great: As making the Right Perception is Important, it goes without saying that the Product should deliver what the Marketing promises. It's about promising & keeping that promise by the company to their customers. And as it happens, the customers become their cult followers & promote the products themselves.

The above 5 parameters form the fundamentals of Marketing. Now let's know which one is the right medium for your business.

Niche Selection
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A niche market is a segment of a larger market that can be defined by?its own unique needs, preferences, or identity that makes it different from the market at large.

Niche selection is finding the perfect balance of Passion, Market & Talent for the Product/Service. Only Two in any areas, won't suffice. It may give you temporary results but can't sustain without the third one.

We as a Marketer have an utmost responsibility to know about our Customers, their Demographics, Physiographic, Psychographics to understand their needs & how we can built products & services with Talent & Passion to serve them the way they desire.

While finding the perfect niche, it becomes equally important to research whether its big enough for you & competitors to do business in & profitable to sustain your efforts in the same.

It is easier to be No.1 in your Niche rather than in the Generic Market.

Traditional Vs Digital Marketing
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Though even in today's world both of them have relevance, it depends as what product & what market segment are we wanting to cater. Marketing is the Perception & Product is the Reality. So it is to be evaluated where your Target Audience is & the what can be the most effective medium to touch them & have them buy.

Traditional Marketing consists of :

  • Direct Mail Marketing.
  • Print Marketing. Newspapers. Magazines. Monthly and weekly publications.
  • Broadcast or TV Marketing. Radio. Television.
  • OOH Marketing: signages, billboards, buses, transit. Billboards. Bus advertising.
  • Sales Force: face to face/one-to-one marketing. Phone Calls. Events.

When your product is a generic one, say Mobile Phones that has a wider audience reach, the company like Samsung will use multiple traditional mediums as mentioned above to be on the Top of Recall Value & build a Brand Perception for their Mobile Phones.

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Digital Marketing consists of :

  • Social Media Marketing Platforms
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Marketing
  • Pay-per-click (PPC)
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing

Digital Marketing comes to play when you have sliced down your audience to a particular niche & wants to be laser focused in your approach to them. It can be tracked easily & can be monitored for results. The most common digital marketing channels businesses use are?social media marketing?(81%), a website (78%), and email marketing (69%). Businesses value social media marketing, websites, and email marketing because they can use those channels to tell a story about their products or brand. For Example: Online Trainings & Workshops offered by Success Gyan.

CATT Funnel
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The CATT Funnel stands for?Content, Attention, Trust and Transaction. CATT Funnel – A Marketing Funnel. According to this funnel your wealth is directly proportionate to your Niche. That's why I said Niche selection plays a very important role in Marketing. Let's understand this Funnel. The formula goes as Wealth = n ^ CATT wherein, n is the Niche your operate in.

It starts with your Niche & works to create Content relevant to your Niche. The Content attracts the Attention of the Niche & Builds Trust in the minds of the Customers. As the Trust gets build, it doesn't take long to convert into Transaction. And the Transaction is the end result of this entire Activity. 3/4th is the VALUE Sharing & 1/4th is Only the SALES Pitch. Sales/Transaction is the result of this entire CATT Activity done WELL.

Integrated Digital Marketing Framework
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Integrated Digital Marketing encompasses the idea of creating a?unique form of expression?that's easy to identify in all of the channels your customer uses. It's like using a single language to speak in different situations. That means it's a strategy that blends all your marketing tactics.

It’s like using a single language to speak in different situations.

That means it’s a strategy that blends all your marketing tactics.?Then, each campaign and approach complement the other, creating a consistent image on the mind of the users and tracing a journey for them to go on.?

By being consistent, you can become memorable to your audience. It also means having a well-structured and well-defined?marketing plan. That includes taking care of the online presence by managing different channels of the digital world.?

It involves making sure your organization is on the web, where your customer already is.?All those efforts should point in one direction only and express the same image to the mind of the users.

Above illustration shows how the customer is targeted through various mediums & directed to others in order to complete the CATT process of Marketing.

We need to ensure to join the conversation already goin on the Consumer's mind rather than starting a new one. This is the Engine that drives the CATT Funnel.

Power of Personal Branding
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People love to hear stories & that too from people & not companies. Building a Personal Brand gives a Perception of an Expert at the Helm of Affairs in the Company that will give a certain Peace of Mind to Customer that he'll be taken care of well.

A personal brand is the?unique combination of skills and experiences that make you who you are. It is how you present yourself to the world. Effective personal branding will differentiate you from the competition.

It gives a Face to the Brand which can be Trusted by the people. Sometimes the Personal Brand becomes bigger than the Brand itself. For Eg:- Warren Buffet

The Personal Brand can be applied to various New Businesses that will create a Brand Value for the New Product/Service immediately to the customer.

However, it cannot be invested in or sold. It adds a human connection to the company's brand.

How to Create Your Personal Brand?
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It's a never ending journey to become a Personal Brand..

It starts with Learning the Right set of Skills & Talents that will make you the Expert in your field of work.

Implementation is the key here, we learn new things but if we don't put them to Work, we don't move ahead. All the Knowledge needs to be put into Action by working on own projects or doing freelancing.

Blogging or writing your experiences & letting the World know about your experiences of the work done, will start building you up as a Brand. Also, when you write, you understand it much better.

Consulting will showcase you as an expert & rather than working for those businesses, they approach for your valued advice.

Mentoring will inspire others to be like you. This can be done individually or in group & will scale up your understanding of the fundamentals to new level.

After all the above, it's time to Startup your own Business, now that you are known & will be able to sell well in the market.

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In the end, would like to say that

Marketing is all about Brand Building & How you & your Product is perceived by the market & Target Customers.

As Seth Godin Quotes..

" People don't buy Goods & Services.. They Buy Relations, Stories & Magic !! "

It's a ever going process & is to be done in a consistent disciplined manner over a period of time to generate results. If done well, it creates a massive Brand Following that is hard to imitate. Eg:- Apple vs Other Mobile Phone brands like Samsung, Xiomi, OnePlus, etc.


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