What Really Causes Cancer? Here is Dr. Jason Fung's Simple Answer and Simpler Ways to Prevent it

One of the doctors that I truly respect for all of his research to get to the bottom of chronic illness is that of Dr. Fung. In today's post, you will learn both what he found regarding the causes of the development of all the metabolic problems that cause the secondary illness in type 2 diabetics as well as the causes of cancer. With this information you can not only easily heal yourself, better you can truly help your patients reclaim their health and therefore their own lives - which is why you got into medicine in the first place, right? Here is today's post:

As someone who has type 2 diabetes, Dr. Fung's work has totally shifted the paradigm. In this post the discussion will go from his research findings in type 2 diabetes and that of the cause of cancer - fascinating as always and very actionable on your part to regain your health.

Today I am going to do a bit of education based on Dr. Jason Fung's work because as far as I am concerned he is a doctor who 'gets it' - meaning what is causing most chronic illness and how to turn it around.

I first learned about Dr. Fung's work as a nephrologist (a kidney specialist) when I was doing research into what causes so much damage to the bodies of those who develop type 2 diabetes. I was interested after losing my best friend from college from heart disease, he didn't even know he had, secondary to his diagnosis about 5 years previous of type 2 diabetes.

Dr. Fung wondered why so many of his kidney patients were going into kidney failure. He chased it all back to type 2 diabetes where the problem was hyperinsulinemia - meaning, too much insulin in the body. He went on to explain that each time a person eats, the insulin levels go up and that means that you are going to be getting fatter because insulin causes one to become fat. This also means that a person with type 2 diabetes never be given insulin, as their body has too much insulin already and that is the cause of much of the damage that is being done to their body in the first place.

Dr. Fung came to the conclusion that one needs to eat both less food and less often, making intermittent fasting a 'thing.' Now, think back on all the religions of the world and every single one has fasting as an aspect of their traditions. Think back to before farming and grocery stores and people went for long periods, sometimes days without eating because there were droughts at times, too much rain at other times, and of course insects that killed the crops throughout the ages. So, it has been set up in human beings to be able to store energy - which is done in our fat cells to be able to survive these environmental conditions.

Dr. Fung's work has now gone into better understanding the cause of cancer and frankly, it is very simple - so one needn't worry about every aspect of life as the ecofriendly people would like you to believe that everything on planet earth - mostly those that are man-made are the cause of cancer because the truth of the matter is that many of those items cause 2% or less of cancers - that's right folks, relax a bit on worrying about all the causes of cancer except 2 of them, both of which you have complete control over should you choose to make these daily decisions for yourself.

1) Smoking causes 35% of all cancers so best you stop smoking in all its forms. If you are surrounded by those who smoke - best that you stop being around them as they are damaging their own body, because you can easily remove yourself from such situations.

If you do smoke, I can tell you as a hypnotist who specializes in smoking cessation - the addiction is emotional in 99% of cases having nothing to do with physiological addiction. I have had exactly 2 clients who were unable to stop smoking in the 19 years of my practice who I would say were physiologically addicted to the components in their cigarettes - 2 of hundreds over the years. So, for almost all of you, it is merely a decision to stop and then if necessary (which is only true in 5% of cases) hire yourself a hypnotist who in 1 session can help you to stop smoking for good - no drugs necessary, no long-term withdrawal symptoms - nothing at all - it is very simple and will save not only your life but a hell of a lot of money that you are putting into those cigarettes that cause 35% of all deaths by cancer.

Now, here is something that is even easier to understand and goes right back to Dr. Fung's original research into why his kidney patients were needed dialysis so often and that has everything to do with the hyperinsulinemia - too much insulin being released into the body.

Diet is the cause of 32% of all cancers and has everything to do with not only the crap that is going into your frankenfood, but more importantly the fact that this food rarely satiates one, forcing one to eat ever more quantities. Each time you feed yourself, your insulin is going to go up and with that, the fat is going to be put on because high insulin in the body causes increases in fat. So here are two things that you can easily do should you choose to do them:

First, do intermittent fasting by cutting out breakfast and eating later in the day creating a fasting window of 12 hours to begin with, and then bring that to 8 hours of eating and 16 hours of fasting. If you figure 7-8 hours of sleep for the average person this is a very small amount of time before refeeding yourself. This is something that I do every day - skip my breakfast and eat when I start to feel hungry - a much different sensation than eating because you have been indoctrinated from the time of your youth to eat 3 meals a day and then adding in snacks in between. You can see how all these times for eating could be a detriment to your body now that you understand that high insulin levels is the main cause of obesity.

The second thing that one needs to understand about cancer is that it feeds on sugar, so best to stop eating so much sugar - which means understanding what all those fancy words for sugar are on any package of food - or better yet, to stop buying packaged foods because as we just went over, those packages of food will never satiate you and will have you eating ever more calories which will increase your insulin levels producing ever more fat.

What one needs to do is do what I am forever telling people to do - eat one item of foods combined to make other foods as your great-grandmothers did before the time of huge food corporations selling their poison as if it were actually food. It is not food as food nourishes the body, while the processed foods are seen as foreign by the body given all the additives and various chemicals put into them while all the nutrition that the body needs to replace the dead cells and make the various neurotransmitters, hormones, etc that the body needs to function appropriately are being removed by the processed food manufacturers.

If you have a bit of a sweet tooth as I do (though nowhere as bad as the sweet tooth of my youth, thank God!) use small amounts of honey, molasses, or maple sugar as they all have many other nutrients in them that will be helpful to your body instead of the empty calories of table sugar or the deadly components of fake sugar, which by the way cause people to eat even more food which is why many who are drinking sugar-free soft drinks are fatter than your average person.

Others tout stevia, however, I personally can't stand the taste of it but if you are okay with it, it is fine for a sweetener.

Learning: Instead of fearing cancer take the action steps needed here which are very simple indeed. 1) get anything to do with smoking far away from you so that you are not inhaling the carcinogens for smoking represents 35% of all cancer. 2) Skip breakfast and eat 1 item whole foods that are in their original form. Combine them to make other foods as your great-grandma did before all the processed pre-packaged garbage that is called 'food' yet is void of the nutrients your body needs to function, came into being.

If anyone is interested in running a live educational retreat Bill Dennis of the Villa Serena Holistic Health and Retreat is going to be doing a free Zoom call to teach you how to work the backend with hotels so that you actually make money on your next retreat. He will also be explaining how his company can help you with the marketing of your retreat should you choose to use his beautiful local in the Dominican Republic as your venue. The Zoom call is on Wednesday, April 28th at noon eastern time. You may join us here: https://zoom.us/j/2127778949


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