What is the reality… And what is not.
Sudashini Christeen Christopher
Head of Communications | Committed to Faith-First & Family
Pondering this question was the start of my journey from mid to late last year. Well, in fact, this has been my frequent ponder since the day I audibly heard ‘God’ at the age of 10… and since then, the daily forgiveness and little miracles I have been blessed with. From that day on, I’ve worn my consciousness and my daily reliance in God.
My stronghold has always been You – O God –even before I was woven in my mother’s womb, just as King David sings in his Psalms. Praise to God, that I came to know this even before I had the conviction through the words proclaimed in the Holy Bible and an understanding of what it really meant. From words written and passed over to living words that I daily experience.
“What is time? Why are we in such a hurry to do what we want to do, all this within 24 hours or a year?” one of my friends from the Church asked me this two weeks ago. As I was thinking deeply, another friend joined in, responding, “Time is a Lifetime.” He put it so profoundly that I was at a loss for the right words. I pondered further. Time is a Lifetime. But how do you make that lifetime? Is it just in these temporary things around us or beyond…seeking the truth of “eternal life-time?.” ?Well, surely there is no time there if that is eternal!?
It is as though how I’ve been seeing this time becoming shorter and shorter as we live. I have no words to explain how it all fast-tracks in the realm of Spirituality when I pray and meditate by, in, and of God – All praise to the Almighty Lord God – where time doesn’t make sense at all. Where an hour becomes minutes whether I’m at home, in the car, or in the park, wherever I pray, I see in His mere presence that the time we’ve defined becomes so unreal, constantly moving faster.
?I know now, with all my heart, that God reigns over all things seen and unseen in this world and beyond. In those moments, I see how little we know - and how little our wise hearts can comprehend. So we think or think not. In God’s mercy, He brings us closer to Him, cleansing us by His Holiness in the purest of pure forms so that we may become the salt of the earth. Thanks be to God for His truth and all-powerful yet humble cleansing from every speck of “wrongness” that we have knowingly and unknowingly repented of.
?As I lean on His ability in my moments of inability and weakness, His strength can be ‘Really’ seen. God’s tangible presence and realness are the ultimate reality that I have ever endured. Praise be to God, for leading me to the living waters to see and be wrapped up in His beautiful presence! And I'm forever thankful for the Holy Spirit’s quickening in the process of getting to know the ‘God—the Living one’—the Ancient One, the Lord of all ages, the one who was, before the world or anything we experience was created, and who is and will forever be.?
?There are days when I’m confused, awed, bewildered, content, and most times feel so puny as I walk on this path of getting to know my Lord God—amidst working away on everything else—family, work, and relationships—while serving God and the love He has called us to serve. Lord, I ask for your strength, faith, and heart that follow You through no matter how many times I fall under and beneath.
Since my younger and tender days, You’ve brought me some ‘inexplicable’ things that I’ve seen and heard – and even saved me from a near-death time – I cannot thank You enough for giving me a second chance in this life! Just to bless me with Your sonship and this eternal life, You had for me all along!
I’m scared even to think where I would have been had I closed my eyes a few years ago. Though I didn’t realise the ultimate reality You had for me then, even now, going through this tangible, inexplicable presence, You show me. Thank You for showing me Your way, thank You for showing me You’re real! The ultimate Reality of my life I’ve always yearned for!?
Look my friends, I see God has a purpose for every one of us. I knew that then because my Father said so. But now, I know in truth! The love of God pulls me closer to Him, and away from these temporary things that bring pains, joys and whatever this ‘lifetime’ has to offer.
Ask, seek, knock – Jesus said. For you will receive, find, and know, He says in the Gospel (Matthew 7, Luke 11). These verses, one way or another, have been the very foundation of my resilience, as I keep moving forward no matter how impossible and unjust the circumstances present themselves around me. But do we ask for the right things? For what is right we may not know; only by living and in our daily reliance on God’s will, will it be given, found, and made known to us.
In Christ, I pray for you the truth and more. For your peace, faith, hope – and, above all, love for you and your loved ones.
KJV 1 Cor 13:1-3
1-Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
2-And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
3-And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
#1 Letter from the Heart of Prayer | 2 Nov 2024 | Sudashini Christeen Christopher |
Email: [email protected]