What is reality

What is reality

You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream reality – Walt Disney

A lot of people say “ I’m a realist and see things as they are”

But is that true? Do you really see things as they are?

Well, it seems to the limited physical mind that you see things as they are because the physical mind has no capacity to perceive things from a broader perspective that you are. So, you are fulling yourself to limitations that are not true.

Reality is what you perceive. Your perception is always a reflection of your internal state.?

Let’s say someone is going to perceive themselves as never having enough money because their parents didn’t have enough money and they are surrounded mostly by people who don’t have enough money, so they always talk about not having enough money.

You look into your bank account and you see that you don’t have enough money so you reaffirm this false belief. You try hard to work to make it happen to push against that you don’t have enough money because you don’t like it. So, this is going to be your reality. Because this is your state of being. This is not who you are, you are not connected to who you are and you allow your psychical mind to tell you lies.

I’m not telling you here to look at your bank account and tell yourself lies when you see $100 left to tell you that there is $1,000,000 it is not about that, and this will not work.

It is not about positive thinking only, even though positive thinking makes a huge impact. It is about your ability to focus and see your bank account from the broader perspective of your Being. Your mind is not designed to do that. This is why there is always a relationship between you in your physical mind-body and your broader perspective of your being, non-physical you, or Soul if you want.

If you look at your bank account from a Broader perspective, you feel good doesn’t matter what you see because your focus is on improvement because in your core you know that there is abundance and you have all the resources of the Universe available to you.

How do you think wealthy people become wealthier and poor become poorer or sick become healthy and some sick people become more sick? It's all about perspective. And understanding that you are not your limited physical mind that only can look at “What is” and call it a reality and then attract the same people who see things from a limited perspective and complain or talk about what is not working.

It is not about ignoring the reality that you have created anyway. But accepting it fully for what is, not resisting it, and pushing it away not liking it. The opposite liking it, accepting it, and then looking at it from the broader perspective of your being.

Effective solutions can only come to you when you look at yourself and your situation from a broader perspective.

When you have a conversation with someone, and you perceive yourself as an introvert or imposter that conversation will not go well. And if you see things only from a limited physical mind perspective then you will be always limited to seeing the fullness of who you are, of your Being.

You are trying to cover up your shadow parts to pretend to be someone who you are not to get the results that you want. And maybe it works for you to some degree but if you are going to get honest with yourself you are going to see that it is far away from the results that you desire.

If someone perceives themselves from a broader perspective of their being they face their shadows. They understand that their shadow is for them to grow and expand they know that they are not their shadows. And by shadows, I mean a faulty state of being unworthy, fearful, angry, competitive, imposter, poor, sick, ignorant, arrogant, too sensitive, agreeable, people pleasing hateful, and so on…..

So someone who perceives themselves from a broader perspective understands that shadows are not who they are.

If someone perceives themselves to be wealthy, happy, healthy, joyful, confident, worthy, taking things easy, and assertive this will be their reality. The universe will match them with things, circumstances, and people that will reflect their internal state back to them.

As you see real is what is perceived, and it starts with how you perceive yourself. Everything is relative. We relate differently and most of the humans are not in touch with the essence of who they are with their being and they say “ I’m a realist” not even realizing what it means ??

Yes Government can make rules that are limiting, and they are falling to what we call in Oncological approach second layer of reality. But if you understand who you are and all three layers of reality then you can create a reality that will be pleasing to you regardless of what the government or anyone else is doing.

We live in polarity and duality, and we create our reality.

Everything has two sides and every day you make a choice, you are choosing what you are going to focus on?

You can choose to :

Complain or look for improvements

Appreciate or blame.

Look for their flaws or look for their positive aspects.

Beat up yourself or see yourself like your broader perspective your being part of you sees you.

You may say that you can’t apricate your bank account that you see because you don’t like it and if you keep doing it, you would be just molding “What is” and attracting, creating more of the same.

You can choose to see your bank account or anything else that you don’t like from a broader perspective, you will change your state of being to who you really are, and your reality will change.

I have to laugh sometimes when people complain about things like prices are too high and that and this…., not realizing that by their complaining prices will not change and by looking at what is, their state of being and their financial situation will not change either.

You can look at your shadows and make them your strength. This is what this game that we play on Earth is about. It is the evolution of your Soul (your Being) it is not a safe journey of your mind that doesn’t like change.

Your mind will always keep you stuck pretending to look at pros and cons all the time not moving ahead.

See this is why it is not about what is right and what is wrong

Who said what is right anyway?

That’s a good question you can ask yourself.

The truth is nothing matters, your circumstances don’t matter. Ony your state of Being matter. Because your state of being materializes your experience.?

If you are having conversations from the Broader perspective of your being this conversation will bring you effective results, because your conversations are going to be assertive, and confident not needy or attached to the outcome.

This will be reflected not only in your finances but also in all your relationships and your health.

If one thing you can get from this article to start with

There is nothing more important than you feel good. Not pretending it with positive thinking but fully feeling good and satisfied at ease. Remember words are cheap the meaning behind the words is what creates your reality.

If you want to have the results that you desire and you know that there is a gap and you want to have confident, effective, clear, joyful at ease conversations with others then book a free call and we can have a conversation together.








Rebecca Bitton

I empower the next generation of change makers, entrepreneurs, and organizations by optimizing mental wellbeing so they can deliver, sustain, and scale their impact: Educator, Speaker Award Winning Consultant

7 个月

I really appreciate your article Julie! As someone who has had a very light as well as a very dark disposition I can definitely agree that our reality is a reflection of our minds. One of the reasons why some people may fail to acknowledge and embrace their shadow selves in my experience with my clients, is that they dont detach themselves from their shadow. They see it as their true self. But just like pain, we are not defined by it, yet our dark just like our pain notifies us of something that needs healing within.

James Ebear

Maintenance Manager

7 个月

Thank you for this awesome read



