What Is The Real Value of Clients
Will Offen
Sales and Business Strategies to Build Powerful & Consistent Growth. Sales Success is measured by the Value of Customers Engaged.
Ask most salespeople to explain the value of a client and they will probably be amused by what they think an obvious question!?Of course, a client is the sale, the source of income?
Undoubtably true, but here’s the killer - focusing on the monetary income as the major value of a sale guarantees failure to maximise it - and every other possible value!
A client has much more value than simply buying the goods or services on offer. Indeed this misconception that this is all he represents is in itself, a major cause of poor sales success!
A client actually has at least 4 other?major values:
?1. A source of knowledge
It's usual to analyse failed sales presentations, but there is more knowledge to be gained from successful sales, which are so often congratulated, but hardly ever analysed.
A successful sales meeting is a valuable and vital source of knowledge that helps determine not only his/her exact requirements, it also help's us understand counterparts requirements. What kind of person are they, why did they respond to the marketing? What makes someone like them consider your product/services? How will they use the product/services? What do they know about the business sector, the area they live in, what concerns do they have, who do they know, etc.
2. Training
No trainer can give better training than a client. Understanding what they really say and mean and their reactions to what we say. Why and when they say yes and no. How well our presentation of information flows and impacts. All vital information we can (must) learn from each client contact if we wish to improve and grow our expertise.
3. A gateway to more clients
We all know that client recommendations are our lifeblood, don’t we? There is just as much written about ‘how to get recommendations’ than most other elements of the sales process but very few of us ever make this an effective source of new business.
Notwithstanding the actual mechanical?process employed, the certainty is no client will introduce us to their family, friends and colleagues unless they have utmost respect and trust in us - and this means the process they have experienced has been totally focused on them and their needs and they feel secure and supported at the end of it.
We must remember - we cannot trick clients into giving us quality introductions. Their willingness to introduce us is the finest indication of their satisfaction in the sales process!
4. A source of credibility
The number, longevity and quality of our clients is evidence of our expertise, our abilities and our quality of service. Our continued success is wholly determined by the value of our client base - a high value client base will provide security and ongoing income - by default, and it is therefore vital to nurture clients as the most valuable asset that they are.?
Client awareness?ensures long-term results
The importance of these major client values cannot be overlooked! Indeed, they are far more instrumental in?our sales success than any product presentation or sales ‘pitch’ could ever be. Our ability to determine and truly understand our client’s real needs and desires will not only gain more clients, it will also ensure those clients remain our clients for the long term!
Focusing on?these?values will minimise point of?sale?pressure and?stress for both client and salesperson alike, reduce the levels of?marketing, provide?clarity of direction, together with many, many other peripheral benefits - not least of which is the production of more income as a natural by-product of providing excellence of client service.
" The purpose of a business is to create customers who create customers." Shiv Singh
Originally published on willoffen.com. Visit for details of sales coaching and training for Coaches, Consultants and Entrepreneurs. You can have the sales you need without losing the credibility you must have!