What questions do you ask?
Abimbola Bamigboye, ACA
Creating value at the intersection of Finance, Technology, SME and Sustainability
A few years ago, when I started thinking about Audeo's transformation journey, I asked myself about the people that this transformation was going to bring into the business and what I wanted those people to look like. Beyond degrees and experience, the typical information you see on a CV, I wondered how best to really get to know a person during an interview and I was led to think about my mistakes and some lessons learned along the way. Humility now in place of stubborn pride, a quiet tenacity, strength and grit in place of unbridled passion. I can tell you about my life long lessons and the mistakes that bore them. So, it seemed to me that this would be a great place to start.
Mistakes and lessons are such an interesting way to discover a potential hire as I believe that they tell you how much humility they have learned along the way, for the propensity for humanity and service, for radical honesty, for grit, for taking responsibility and accountability, for team spirit, all these which are now key attributes for any team member at AUDEO .
It is said, that the quality of our lives depend on the questions that we ask, and I say that the quality of our teams are also dependent on the questions that we ask. What do you ask?
Please join us on Mon, Nov 21, 2022, 1:00 PM for our webinar to learn how Human Resources Management is THE catalyst for business excellence.
Link to register https://bit.ly/3zxpHj7