What Is Quality of Service?
In the modern world, Quality of Service is the most important piece when discussing Voice over IP technology. Most providers offer a “Bring Your Own Bandwidth” solution. This means the provider will simply point your business phone system to connect with your office’s and remote location’s IP address using the public internet to transport the voice traffic. With the public internet, we lose the ability to provide Quality of Service (QoS).
QoS is what allows the data network to know that voice traffic is to travel between Location A and Location B as it was sent. Voice is real-time. Any interruption in the voice traffic can result in pack loss, jitter, and poor call quality. This is the big question with hosted vs. on premise phone system. It’s about culture and image. Companies spend money to have an up-to-date website, they market, they spend money on events to promote their business, they spend months designing logos and color schemes, they meticulously adjust email signatures. All of this is great because you get the phone to ring. If a prospect is calling into your organization, or a business partner, and they cannot make out what you are saying or you have to ask them to hang up so you can call them back, what does that do to the image you are building? Some companies can deal with quality issues. Some cannot.
Here are some tips:
- Look inside your business, what can you afford?
- What hiccups can you accept?
- Now, where do you want to invest your money.
- Talk to your telecom partner.
- Look at both solutions.
- Come up with a backup plan.
- Embrace technology, but understand any downfalls that may come about.
- Make sure your partner will be able to walk you through and provide the best solution for your business, not just the best solution because they only have one.
One of the most important pieces when making a technology investment decision is who our partner is, will they be here 10 years down the road, and are they diverse enough to change with the technology. Too many providers are out there selling the latest and greatest looking for a quick deal and to move on to the next one.
We are a team of developers, and we care for our customers. To know more about our rates and our dialer platform, give us a call @ +1 (800) 513-5555 or email [email protected] for White Label, and [email protected] for Sales. Experience the difference in your business’s efficiency and productivity that is complimented by our 24/7 support.